Chapter 13 - Children

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After the doctor put Lia's hand in a soft cast we headed to Alex's hospital room and saw that Alex was sleeping and the baby was getting passed around the room.

Rose was the last to hold her before it was time for her to be fed. The baby gets passed from person to person until it arrives back to Alex and Tobin.

The baby's freakishly tiny and it scares me. "You alright T?" I nod. "The baby's so tiny," Tobin says from her place at Alex's side.

"Well, Tobin you try and push her out of your vagina and see how you like it!" I look at Lucy and she is giggling. "Alright everyone go get snacks or drinks and leave the moms alone with their baby for a little," Carli calls out and everyone shuffles out of the room.

I take look around for Lily while we are going back to the waiting room but I can't find her I guess Lia noticed me looking around and tapped me on the shoulder. "Lily is with Ashlyn she fell asleep." I nod and take her good hand in mine before kissing her knuckles

when we get to the waiting room I sit down and Ash sets a sleeping Lily down across Lia and my lap. "Thanks." We talk a little until it's announced that Alex and the baby are going home.

Everyone either goes to someone's house where they are staying or to a hotel room some decide to go get dinner together but those people are the ones without children.

Lucy, Lily, A-Rod, and I go to our apartment. Lily wakes up on the ride there and Lia complains about my driving the whole time.

"Well next time try not to get your hand broken and I wouldn't have to drive."

"You never drive T. We share a car because you drive so little and you hate driving."

"I know but A-Rod shouldn't have to drive so stop complaining." "You two are fighting like a married couple just shut- be quiet." A-Rod cuts off our bickering. Lia sticks her tongue out at me so I take a section of her hair and form a lump in her ponytail.

She gasps and hits my shoulder before fixing it. "How dare you touch my hair Tierna."

"How dare you stick your tongue out at me Lucia." She pouts and looks out the window for the rest of the ride.

Once we get home Lily and I play board games with A-Rod while Lia sits on the couch and watches.

About halfway through Lily is loosing and Cocoa jumps off the couch landing onto the board. "Cocoa!" Lily giggles and I playfully glared at her.

"You sabotaged the game!" A-Rod and I look at each other and back at Lily. "Tickle monster attack!" A-Rod yells out and we chase Lily around the apartment until we're too tired but she keeps on running.

When I go to sit on the couch with Lia she is fast asleep and cuddling with Cocoa. "I'm going to get Luce to bed could you make sure Lily doesn't hurt herself?"

"Yeah, should we just let her tired herself out, or do you have a better plan?"

"Nope. Just let her run around." She chuckles and helps me get Cocoa out of her arms carefully. I pick her up bridal style and get her into our bed. When I go to get a change of clothes she wraps her arms around me tightly.

"Do you not want clothes to sleep in?" She shakes her head. "I'll just ditch my shirt and pants."

"Well, I'm sleeping in clothes-"

"You're not allowed to." I roll my eyes and help her out of her clothes and leave her with Cocoa much to her dismay. "She tired herself out and is now watching YouTube on her IPad."

"Thank you. I got it from here you should go call your husband." She walks off to the guest room and I let Lilly pick out something to watch on Netflix. She picks Supergirl and passes out halfway through the first episode.

I do the same thing I did with Lia and carried her to her room, set her down on the bed, got her a change of clothes, and tucked her in.

Right before I'm about to close the door I hear a knocking sound on her headboard reminding me of what Lucy used to do when she couldn't talk.

"Could I sleep you and Lia tonight?" I smile and we go into me and Lucy's room. She crawls in next to Lucia while I changed into comfier clothes and crawl in the empty spot next to Lily. Soon I had Lily and Lucy cuddled into me somehow but I fell asleep quickly after.

If only I knew what would happen soon I could have done something...

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