Chapter 15 - I Miss You Baby

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I stand up from the cliff and start making my way down the mountain. Tierna is away at a game and Lily is at Alex and Tobin's for a play date so I decided to go on a hike. I'm enjoying my time to myself- well the happiness ended quickly when I see a man in front of me and everything goes black.


A couple hours ago...

My alarm didn't go off and now I'm rushing to get ready for practice. I already have a bad feeling for today but I don't know if it's just because of my alarm.

I still go on with my day and practice went fine so I pushed the feeling down and ignored it. We're done for today usually we would have another practice after lunch but we have our game tomorrow.


I am chilling on my bed with Moe beside me and we're watching a movie. The bad feeling is still there and my mind gets flooded with worried thoughts when an unknown number pops up on my screen.

I quickly answering it with one thing on my mind

Lucy and Lily need to be ok.

"Hey T." I sigh in relief when I hear Alex's voice but then I hear the worry in it. "Lucy and Lily are ok right?"


"No Alex. I know that voice."

"Lucy was stabbed and is in emergency surgery right now."

"And Lily?" All the possible scenarios are running through my mind as tears are threatening to spill. Morgan has her arms wrapped around me trying to calm me down. "Lily is fine she was at me and Tobins playing with Charlie."

"Ok, I'm going to get a flight I'll be there soon."



"Come on you have a game tomorrow."

"And the love of my life and soon to be fiancé was stabbed. I'm coming."


I quickly go and look at flights. "So I know that this is a serious situation but you're proposing?"

"Yeah and let's hope I still get to do that." She nods and I start packing my things. "Will you tell coach that I have an emergency and had to leave?"

"Got it." I get an Uber and rush to the airport trying to get there on time.

[Alex's POV]

A couple hours later...

"It's not looking good the blade punctured her liver and we are trying to repair it but we can't seem to stop her bleeding. We might have to take it out."

"Ok." I go to say more but I spot a red-faced Tierna running towards us. She stops and try's to catch her breath. "Why did you run?"

"I was stuck on a plane for hours not knowing anything shut up." I nod and can tell she's worried. I go to ask the doctor something but he walked away. "Ok well when she was stabbed it punctured her liver and they think they might have to remove it. She was also stabbed a second time."

"Second time?" She looks like she's about to yell at me she's so mad. "And you couldn't tell me this?"

"We didn't want to worry you too much."

"Worry me too much?" She scoffs and looks over to Lily who was noise-canceling headphones on. "What the fuck Alex."

"She was stabbed in the left breast."

"Her heart? She was stabbed in her heart and you didn't tell me?"

"Sorry," I say and Tierna stands up and sits next to Lily ignoring me. "Do you think she's mad?" Tobin raises an eyebrow at me and I sigh.

"Let's just hope the next time they come out it'll be good news."


"We have some good news." We all jump up and wait for him to talk. "She is out of surgery with a repaired heart and liver." I sigh in relief but Tierna doesn't seem happy at the news.

"T what's wrong?"

"We both know this girl. When good news comes something bad happens. I'm waiting for the bad." We look over to the doctor and he nods. "We aren't sure if she will wake up. She crashed a lot during surgery and was down for a couple minutes without oxygen going to her brain."

"There it is." Tierna glances back to Lily before sitting down and chewing on her lip. She is probably beating herself up right now.

"Thank you," I tell the doctor before he walks away. "We should go to her room."

"You two go I'll stay with the kids since they shouldn't see her like that," Tobin says and I nod before taking T's hand in mine. "Are you ok?" I say while we're stepping in the elevator.

"I don't know what do you think?" The rest of the way to her room is silent and we both just sit by her side for I have no idea how long.


For the next few weeks, I spend as much time as I can with Lucy but I have 2 kids and Tierna barely leaves her side unless she's taking care of Lily and Cocoa. Lily is constantly asking to see Lucia but T wants to wait for her to look a little less dead before Lily seeing her.

I think it's the right call but it's been weeks so my decision is slowly changing.

Lucy has made no improvements there is still barely any brain activity. Her wounds are healing but they said if she doesn't start making improvements then we will need to look at our options.

Which means unplug her or look for a long term care facility. I think those places are depressing so she better start waking her lazy ass up.

My thoughts are interrupted by my phone ringing. I answer it and hear T laughing. "You wouldn't believe what a doctor just talked to me about."

"What? Why are you laughing?"

"He said studies have shown that sex helps people in comas wake up."

"You sure he was a real doctor?"

"No, he wasn't he said that he had to watch because it was a clinical trial. Then I called security."

"Holy f- kids have entered the room." I smile at the sound of Tierna laughing. I haven't seen many smiles since this whole thing started. "Kids are picked up from school and we stopped to get snacks," Tobin announces while walking in the room.

"Well, this one is fed to," I say before putting my shirt back on.


I have the box open on the table next to her bed just staring at it. "Lucy if you don't wake up soon I'm going to wake you up. I don't know how yet but if I need to tickle you for hours I will."

I grab her hand and kiss her knuckles. "I love you." I sigh. "This is stupid and I know you can't hear me but I love you. I miss going to bed every night and having you snoring beside me. I miss your kisses and you getting mad at me when I complain about Cocoa taking up to much space on the bed. I just miss you, baby."

A/N: I will be busy all week so I might not update again until next Sunday but it depends on how my week goes.

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