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I woke up to a horrible headache and with a beeping song that is no other than an alarm clock. I quickly turned it off and got dressed in my 5sos sweatshirt and black skinny jeans. Tonight would be the night of my life. I'm going to see my favorite band no other than 5 Seconds of Summer.

I quickly re-straightened my hair and put on mascara and eyeliner. Well, I have to go to school I thought to myself. I put in my black converse and grabbed my galaxy backpack and trudged downstairs. I grabbed my long board and walked out the door.

As soon as I was at school I regretted ever coming. "Hey Ferrin, you gonna go see your little gay band tonight?" said the school bully. Ugh I hated him always making fun of them. That's when the popular girl came up to me.

"Oh, I see your going to the concert tonight too. Sucks for you you will probably never meet them." She said.

"Go away Macy, I don't want to put up with your shit right now." I said quietly "Haha, that'll never happen." That's when I let everything get the best of me and I threw the first punch. It hit her straight in the nose.

"Ew! The purple haired freak hit me!" She screamed. She went in for a punch but that's when someone grabbed her.

I ran out of the school property as fast as I could with my longboard and quickly jumped on it and rode home fast enough so no one could stop me. Once I was home I quickly unlocked the door put my back pack and longboard down and ran up to my room.

I slammed my door shut and locked it although nobody was home. I ran into my bathroom and dropped down to my knees. "Your a worthless piece of shit." I mumbled to myself. As I silently cried I grabbed my blade and pulled up my sleeve.

One, two, three.

Three cuts on my left wrist. 'Well, I'll just have to wear lots of bracelets tonight' I thought to myself as the blood started to drip down my wrist onto the floor. I couldn't takes eyes away it's like they were glued to my wrist somehow.

When I snapped out of it I looked at the time. 'Oh yeah I kinda punched a girl I forgot well no school for me' I thought to myself.

I quickly cleaned everything up and put my blade back. I walked out of my bathroom and into my room I looked around and all that caught my eye was my favorite 5sos poster I own and the ticket sitting next to them that's when I noticed something looked different.

The ticket was moved around and something else was hanging there. I slowly walked over to the poster and that's when I saw it.

A pass so I can meet the boys! I never thought this day would come! I looked more closely and saw a sticky note Ferrin~ I'm going to be out of town this next week, sorry. But I bought you something a little extra for the concert I hope you like it! Call me when you get this note. Love you.
~ Mom

I quickly grabbed my phone and unlocked it. I went to contacts and pressed Mom. As soon as she answered I said "Thank you thank you thank you oh my gosh mom I love you!"

We talked for a couple more minutes when she said she had to go. I decided to start to get ready since I'm going to have to re straighten my hair.

I took a long shower and thought about everything and then I hopped out and put on my bra and underwear and a tank top. One thing I've learned over the years is that pants are for losers.

But since I have cuts and scars I can't always no wear pants. I went into my room and put on my clothes for tonight. A black 5sos shirt, a black 5sos sweatshirt, black skinny jeans, and galaxy belt for my jeans. I also put my socks and galaxy unicorn converse on my bed. Don't forget my black 5sos beanie and all my bracelets for tonight.

I plugged in my straightener and started to straighten my hair once it was dry.

Tonight's going to be the best day of my life. I put the rest of my outfit on and put on all of my bracelets. I glanced over at the clock and had 30 minutes left. I did my makeup making sure to wing my eyeliner and I was done. I decided to leave now just in case something happens.

My mom left me with extra money so I decided to call a cab. The cab arrives in less than 8 minutes and I was out the door while making sure I had my ticket, pass and phone.

This is going to be great. I said to myself. It's a Friday, I'm seeing my favorite band. How could it get any better.

As I sat in the cab I anxiously waited as the can was getting stuck in traffic. Thank god I decided to leave when I did. I was in the cab for around another 15 minutes when finally I saw the place I was looking for. Screaming girls every which way. Annoyed parents and boyfriends.

I laughed quietly at myself. I handed the cab driver my money and he told me good luck. As I thanked him I closed the cab door and watched it go off.

I walked towards the arena and I saw a giant billboard that said 5 Seconds Of Summer preforming tonight I got my phone out and took a picture. I quickly put it in Instagram and twitter and locked my phone I walked up to the lady taking the tickets.

I pulled out my ticket and put my pass over my head. She scanned the ticket and gave it back to me. I walked inside and carefully looked around. 'This is it' I thought to myself.
First story. Go follow my fan account on Instagram @banding_nerd

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