Chapter 7

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Bella's POV

I was in my history class and Mrs.Darling just finished talking about how well our history projects went.
"Oh Bella dear, can you do me a favor?" Mrs.Darling asked
"Sure" I said getting up from my seat walking over to her.
"I need you to give theses to Fairy Godmother, she's with the villain children at the moment" She said handing me a few sheets of paper. No wonder she asked me to do this, every other student didn't trust Mal and the others yet. Hopefully I'll be able to change that.

"Of course, Mrs. Darling" I said
"Thank you Bella," She said 

I headed out of the room and saw Jane the daughter of The Fairy Godmother standing close to the room in a panicky mode. I walked up beside her and looked over her shoulder to see her mother teaching the new arrivals. 

"Hello Jane" I said smiling "what's wrong?"
"I have to get my mom to sign theses but I'm scared to walk in," She said quickly 
"Come on, they're not that bad" I said pushing her inside the room with me following her. When Godmother saw us she stopped and smiled.
"Hello dear ones," She said
"Hello Godmother" I said smiling
"Hi" Jane said "you need to sign off on the early dismissal for the coronation"

Jane shoved the clipboard in Godmother's face looking back at the villains children in fear. I put my hand on her shoulder smiling sweetly at her. She was so tense and she really had no need to be. 

"You're going great" I whispered
I smiled at the four waving, they waved back.
"I hope everyone remembers my daughter Jane" Godmother said smiling.
"Mom!" Jane squeaked
"It's okay" Godmother said putting her hands in Jane's shoulders "everyone this is Jane"
"Hi" Jane said "that's okay, don't mind me. As you were" She curtsied and left the room, basically running for her life. Way to keep it cool Jane...
"Now what can I help you with Bella?" Godmother asked
"Mrs.Darling wanted me to give you these," I said "I'm not sure what is it though"
Fairy godmother took the bundle of paper and smiled at me.
"I know exactly what this is" She said smiling. "Thank you, Bella"
"No problem" I said
I was about to leave when I heard Fairy godmother call my name.
"Yes?" I asked
"While I do this, can you stay here for a bit?" She asked
"Sure" I said

As Fairy Godmother looked at the papers I smiled at four. I took a seat on top of a desk and flipped my hear behind my shoulders. 

"So how's your first day going so far?" I asked
"Not bad," Mal said
"That's good, I want to introduce you to a few people at lunch. Meet me at the tree by the Library just before lunch" I said
"Okay" Evie said
When Fairy Godmother came back she smiled at me.
"Thank you, Bella you may go," She said
I smiled at her and turned facing my four friends as I slowly got off her desk. 
"I'll see you guys later," I said
I looked at Carlos and smiled, he smiled back and I walked out of the classroom.

Carlos's POV

I watched Bella as she left the room, I think I'll give her the ring I found last night. Jay nudged me smirking, I looked down and smiled. Bella was definitely something else, but not in a bad way. She was a beautiful human being. I just don't think she will like someone like me. Fairy Godmother then asked a question and I followed what Mal said. Pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun. I raised my hand along with Jay and Evie but Jay held my arm down. I tried fighting it but he had a good grip on my arm. 

"Jay" Fairy Godmother asked him
"C, you turn it into the proper authorities" Jay answered
I looked at him and he let go of my arm.
"I was going to say that!" I said
"Oh really?" He asked. Suddenly he grabbed me and started to ruffle my hair, he caught me in a wrestling lock. The two of us on top of the desk.
"Boys" Fairy Godmother said "Boys!"
We both looked at her.
"I'm going to encourage you to use that energy on the Tourney field," she said

I looked at her and slightly paled.
"Oh no, that's okay" I said "whatever that is, we'll-we'll pass" I said.

The next thing I know I'm put into a sporting outfit and I'm standing in a field. I looked around as a whistle was blown.
"Jay! Ben! Offense!" Coach yelled "Chad you're Defense! Taylor, you're shooter"
"Right coach"
The coach started looking around.
"Hey!-hey!-hey, you lost boy!" He shouted at me. "Get your helmet on and get out of the kill zone! Come on!"
I looked at him confused.
"Kill zone? What-" I said
"Pick it up, put it on!" The coach yelled. "Two hands!"
The coach blew his whistle, and the game started. I was so confused during the whole thing, I had no idea what I was doing.
"You can do it Carlos!"
I turned and saw Bella cheering...she was cheering for me! I smiled at her but I couldn't think she can see me thought. I looked at saw Jay running at me screaming a war cry.
"Jay its me! Carlos! Wait" I yelled "stop!"
But Jay kept running at me, I back up screaming.
"No! No no no no no no" I yelled in a panic. 

I fell to the ground and Jay jumped over me. I heard the cheerleaders cheering for Jay, I looked over and Bella was still shouting my name. 

"Come on Carlos!" She yelled
I got up as Jay was shouting and doing a dance. I looked at Bella and she smiled at me. I blushed and looked at Jay. The cheerleaders continued to cheer as the coach yelled at Jay to come over. The whole team went over and the coach started yelling. I saw Bella run over and stood beside Ben. 

"What do you call that!?" The coach yelled pointing to the field. I thought he was going to yell but he smiled and laughed "I call that raw talent!" 

Jay looked at him slightly confused. The team mumbled in confusion and Jay just looked at me. "Come find me later, I'll show you something you've never seen before. It's called a rule book." He laughed "welcome to the team son"
Jay smiled and Bella gave him a hug.
"Way to go Jay," She said
Jay smiled and I glared at him. The coach looked over at me.
"Ever thought of band?" He asked me.
"Ha-ha" I said dryly
Bella slightly smiled at me as Jay laughed and Ben put his hand on my shoulder.
"I'll get my trainer to work with Carlos coach," Ben said
I saw Bella smile and nod at the coach. He looked at me and nodded.
"Alright!" Coach yelled "let's run that again!"
I sighed and Bella put her arm around my shoulder. She smiled and nodded.
"You'll do better, don't worry," She said
"I suck at this," I said
"With a bit of practice, you'll be the star player," She said smiling "now go out there and kick some butt" 

I smiled and she kissed my cheek. She ran off to the other girls and they practiced some cheers. I touched my cheek and smiled, I felt my face get hot. I put my helmet on and followed the rest of the team back out for our second game. If Bella says I can do this than I got this. 

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