Chapter 8

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Bella's POV

After watching Ben, Jay, and Carlos practice I saw that Carlos will need to work on his running. He was way too hesitant on his moves, it was almost as if he was scared. Ben came over to me and smiled. 

"So would you think that my trainer will help out Carlos?" He asked
"That depends..who's asking? My brother or My client?" I questioned
"Both," he said laughing
"He needs to work on his sprints," I said "with my help, he'll be a great player in no time"
Ben smiled and hugged me. I laughed and hugged back
"Has anyone ever said that you're the best?" He asked laughing
"Not that I know of," I said laughing
We pulled out of the hug and I looked at the time. It was almost lunch.
"I have to go, I'm going to introduce my friends to Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos," I said
"Okay" He said "I'll see you later"

I got changed into my track outfit which consisted of my royal blue shorts and my yellow tank top. I laced up my track shoes and put my hair up in a high ponytail with my signature blue bow in it. I have to help Carlos after lunch so I decided to get dressed before hand. I met up with the villain kids a few minutes after. 

"Hey guys," I said
"Hey Bells," Mal said
"I'm sorry I'm a bit late, I had to get changed into my track outfit," I said
"That's alright," Evie said
"Come on, let's not keep my friends waiting any longer," I said

We walked over to my lunch table where my friends were already there.
"Where the hell is she!" Roxanne freaked "I had to skip out on showing that two-faced Audrey not to mess with a Hood!"
"I'm right here...I brought some friends," I said smiling

My four friends looked behind me and saw the Isle of the Lost children. I saw Chris glare at Carlos. someone is already not listening to what I said. 

"Okay anyway guys this is Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos"
"Hi" The descendants said
"Hey I'm Roxanne and this is my brother Robert James," Roxanne introduced 
"Call me James, we're the children of Robbin Hood," James said
"Nice to meet you," Jay nodded 

He smiled at Roxanne and she looked down smiling. with what looked like a slight blush across her cheeks. I took a seat by Chris who was being really quiet. I tried to ignore it because I don't want him to start a fight.

"I'm Maddalina! That daughter of the Mad Hatter!! Would you like some tea?" Mad exclaimed excitedly 
Evie looked at her and smiled
"Sure! I've never had tea before"
Maddie looked at her in shock.
"Never had tea! What are you mad?!" She asked then started laughing at her own joke.
Mal looked at her confused but still smiled.
"Don't mind her" I said slightly laughing
"Sit! Sit! It's time for tea!" Maddie said
I looked at the four island children and smiled.
"We don't bite," James joked
"At least not hard" Roxanne said giving her brother a high five. I rolled my eyes at the siblings.
"Don't mind them, any of them actually. They like to freak people out" I said
"Oh" I heard Carlos mumble

Carlos took a seat by me, Mal and Jay sat by Roxanne and Evie sat by Maddalina. I smiled as they had small talk among themselves, I looked at Chris and nudged him.
"Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" I asked him
He looked at me and nodded
"I guess" he said, "I'm Chris, the son of Roger and Anita Dearly."
He looked at Carlos who sat there shocked. "My family owns the 101 Dalmatians"
Carlos looked down and played with his hands under the table. I grabbed his hand and he looked up at me. I smiled at him.
"Say something" I mouthed
Carlos took a breath, let go of my hand, and looked at Chris.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Carlos," he said
"I know," Chris said bitterly "you kinda look like your mom"
"Yeah..I'm sorry for what she did-" Carlos said but was cut off 

"You're sorry? For what! The fact that you're mother ruined my childhood, or for the pain she put my family though. My father spent day and night looking for the puppies. Our dog Pongo was heartbroken" Chris said
"I understand what she did was wrong but.." Carlos started
"No buts! Your mother is a monster! And I bet you're no different!" Chris yelled
I looked at him in shock and I felt Carlos grab my hand. He told me he was going to try, this had to stop. 

"Chris" I said
"Stay out of this Bella, you started this problem," He snapped

If you must know I have a bit of a temper like my father but if people say things that aren't necessary I freak. My jaw dropped and I let go of Carlos's hand. I felt the heat rise up inside of me, how dare he. 

"What! Me! How did I create the problem?" I yelled at him standing up from the table as he glared at me
"You and your brother brought theses people here" He yelled standing up pointing at my new friends.
"They aren't their parents" I defended 
"That's what they want you to think!" He yelled
"You promised that you wouldn't take your anger out on them! You promised!" I yelled as i slammed my hand on the table
"They're evil Bells," He said

All I seen was red, I couldn't control my anger at this point. I got away from my chair and walked over to him with a deadly look in my eyes. 

"No! They're not! They're just like us! If you find that so hard to believe I suggest you leave" I said
"You know what?! I think I will, but watch and learn Bella. They will all show you who they really are!" He yelled and matched away
"Why don't you just build a bridge and get over it!!" Roxanne yelled
"And we thought you were different!" James yelled

I sat down and looked at my friends. I smiled slightly at Carlos and the others.
"I'm so sorry," I said "he promised that he would try"
Mal smiled at me with a hint of amusement in her eyes,
"It's fine, we get that a lot," She said
"You shouldn't though, Ben and I brought you here to prove people wrong that not everyone is with an evil background is evil," I said
"I think they're just scared," James noted
"Bella is the most understanding person I ever met," Roxanne said
"What do you mean by that Rocky?" Jay asked
"Story time!!" Maddie yelled 

"When James and I first met Bella, she was the only one that wasn't scared of us. Our father was half the hero half villain type of man. The prince of thieves he was called" Roxanne said
"People thought that we were exactly like him and they treated us like dirt," James said "Bella here saw past that. She talked to us and made us happy, we understand you guys. Being labeled evil but you're not"
I smiled at the siblings.
"Bella was our first friend and if it wasn't for her, we would've been the evil heroes forever," Roxanne said
"I agree with the twins!" Maddalina said "I was never talked to because people thought I was...well mad!"
She laughed.
"I mean sure my father is the Mad Hatter but I'm more like my mother, I'm adventuress and curious. I'm not that mad but sometimes I can't control it...I have feelings too and Bella was the only one that really saw that" 

"Awe Maddie" I said while holding back tears
"It's true Bells, you're the best. It's hard not you like you." James said
"I don't understand how you have such little friends," Roxanne said
"I just don't," I said slightly smiling "but I'll always have you guys so who needs anyone else"
The three smiled and nodded. I really do love my friends, they are each amazing individuals and I'm so glad to have them in my life. 
"Of course" They replied
"Anyway! If there's any way I can make it up to you I will do my best" I said 

"You've done enough already," Carlos said smiling
"You gave us a chance," Evie said
"That's all we can really ask for," Jay said
I smiled at my friends and I felt something wet on my cheek. I put my hand on my cheek and noticed that I was crying. I looked at Carlos as he whipped away a tear. He smiled at me and I smiled back.
"I'm so glad I met you guys" I said
"I'm glad you gave us a chance, cause if you didn't I wouldn't have met you" I heard Carlos whisper in my ear. I looked down and blushed.
I then heard a alarm go off and Maddie jumping.
"Lunch is over!!" She yelled
"We'll see you guys later, I have a dress to make" Evie said leaving
"I'll be with her" Mal said
"I gotta talk to the team" Jay said
He looked at Roxanne and smiled.
"I'll see you later Rocky" He said
"I have to meet up with Ben and his trainer" Carlos said

The two boys left and I smiled at Roxanne.
"You so like him!" I gushed 
"I do not" She said
"How do you know I was talking to you" I said laughing
"Hurtful Bells," James said laughing "but I think it's the other way around"
"Jay doesn't like me and I don't like him!" Rox defended 
Me and James look at each other and smirk.
"Sure whatever" We said
"I have to get going, Ben and Carlos are waiting," I said picking my bag and clipboard up.
"And to think what Carlos's face is going to be when he sees that your the oh so famous trainer," James said laughing
"Oh shut up" I said "I really got to leave though, can't keep them waiting "
"Okay bye!" Maddie yelled
"Later guys" I said waving and running off to meet Carlos and my brother.

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