Chapter 27

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Bella's POV

I stood in shock as Maleficent was standing right in front of me. Carlos pushed me behind him, hiding me from Maleficent.
"Go away, mother," Mal said
"Ha-ha-ha! She's funny" Maleficent laughed "I-your very funny"
Maleficent looked at Mal seriously. "Here wand me, chop-chop"
"No!" Ben and I yelled
It looked like Mal was going to give her mother the wand but instead she through it to godmother. Fairy godmother waved her wand above her head.
"Boo" Maleficent finished tapping her wand against the floor.

Third person's POV

The dragon's eye glowed, the Fairy Godmother along with the entire hall froze. Carlos looked at Bella, who was behind her and to his surprise she wasn't frozen like the others. Bella and Carlos looked at each in shock then they realization hit them.
"The ring" They both whispered
Evie and Jay also saw that Bella wasn't frozen and the three of them stood in front of her, so Maleficent couldn't see her.
"Psych" Maleficent laughed
She walked up to King Beast and took of his glasses.
"Ooh in another time, in another time"
Maleficent snickered as she sized up the king. Bella glared at Maleficent as she placed the King's glasses back on his face. She wanted to scream at Maleficent for even thinking about her father that way. Her inner beast was showing, she became angry...very angry. Carlos placed a hand on Bella's arm instantly calming her down, but only calming her a little bit.

"Don't got want to be me" Maleficent sang as she dunked under the King's arm. "Don't you wanna be mean?"
She grabbed the wand from Fairy Godmother's hand and ducked under one of her arms.
"Oh! Oh no! Someone needs to pluck their nose hairs" Maleficent poked Fairy Godmothers nose with the wand.
Mal and the others watched but still tried to block Bella from from Maleficent's view. Maleficent looked at the villain kids but she saw another head behind Carlos, she looked at the Beast family and noticed that they were missing a member.
"Where shall we begin?" Maleficent wondered looking directly behind Carlos. She smiled evilly "I know!" She yelled
"Let's start by getting rid of this!" Maleficent waved the wand and Ben's ring flew off of Mal's finger and onto the wand "perfect fit!" Maleficent cried happily looking at her devastated daughter.
"Oh. Excuse me, pardon me, excuse me..the horns! The horns!" Maleficent said as she ducked under the Fairy Godmothers other arm. Mal looked at her hand sadly and Evie put a hand on her shoulder. Maleficent looked back at the villain kids and smirked as she saw Bella's face. "Oh! Who's this?" Maleficent said

The dragon's eye glowed and Bella was pulled towards Maleficent. Bella screamed and Carlos tried to pull her back but Bella was already in Maleficent's grip. Maleficent's cupped Bella's face and looked in her eyes.
"Why what a pretty face" Maleficent said "you must be the other twin of the Beast family..."
"LET HER GO!" Carlos yelled
Maleficent looked at Carlos and back at Bella.
"Ooh..oh oh!! This is rich! This is, rich!" Maleficent laughed "you two, the two of you?"
Maleficent looked from Carlos to Bella and then Bella to Carlos.
"And I thought Mal was the only one to use the love spell, but poor little that's just evil" Maleficent said
"I didn't use a love spell, I love her!" Carlos yelled
Maleficent stood in shock "Is that so?"
Maleficent let go of Bella's face and grabbed her neck, not letting her breath.
"NO!!" The four descendants yelled
"LET HER GO!" Carlos yelled
"MOTHER STOP!" Mal yelled
Maleficent let go of Bella and used her magic to throw her across the hall. The descendants watched Bella fly over their heads, Jay ran as fast as he could along with Carlos. Jay caught Bella just in time and lightly placed her in the ground. Bella's eyes were closed, but she was still breathing. Carlos and Jay ran back over to Evie and Mal, after making sure Bella was safe.

"Oh falling in love is weak" Maleficent said walking over to Ben and tipping his crown sideways. "And ridiculous" She said looking at Carlos.
"It's not what you want" Maleficent said looking at Mal
"You don't know what I want!" Mal yelled "mom, have you ever asked me what I want?"
Mal was on the urge of crying, she saw one of her best friends get thrown across the room by her mother. She never wanted Bella to get hurt. "I'm not you!"
Maleficent looked at her daughter.
"Obviously" Maleficent said "I've had years and year of practice...of being'll get there"
Mal looked at her mother, "No I won't!" She said "And I really, really wish that you would never have gotten there yourself"
Bella slowly got up and walked over to Mal and the others. No one noticed and Bella was glad that so far they didn't.
"Love is not weakness" Carlos said thinking of Bella
"It's actually amazing" Mal continued
"I know one thing" Maleficent said, she saw Bella and used the dragons eye to bring her forward. "None of you have room for love in your lives!" 

Carlos was shocked that Bella was awake and brought forward, Bella had tears in her eyes and Maleficent grabbed her neck for the second time.
"Please" Bella choked "Please"
"Mother! Let her go!" Mal yelled "she's my best friend!"
"This girl?! Is your best friend? Her parents put us on that Isle and you're trying to save her!" Maleficent yelled
"Maleficent please...just let her go" Carlos said with tears stinging his eyes
Mal saw that her mother was using the wand's magic on Bella. Mal thought fast and tried to save Bella. She looked at Carlos and he nodded knowing what she was about to do.
"And now I command wand to my hand!" Mal yelled holding out her hand, the wand flew out of Maleficent's hand and to hers. Bella dropped to the floor completely knocked out. Carlos ran over to her and picked her up, tuning back behind the others.

"Come on Bella" Carlos said "stay with me"
"It worked!" Mal said as she looked at the wand in her hand.
"I hardly think so" Maleficent said walking around looking stressed
"Frankly, this is tedious and very immature. Give me the wand, give me the wand!"
Carlos saw Bella wake as he held her close to his chest, he didn't know how she woke but he was glad she did. You know not all dark magic is broken by true loves kiss...sometimes is just true love.

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