Chapter 19

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Carlos's POV

"Okay, so we all know what this looks like" Mal said pointing to her sketch of the Fairy Godmother's wand we were going through our plan for the coronation.
"Yeah" Evie, Jay and I said
My mind and heart was racing fast, is this really the right thing to do?
"So It'll be up in the dais," Mal said pointing the map of the coronation hall, "under the beast's bell jar, and we'll be coming in from here. Carlos and I will be in the very front. You two will be up on the balcony with James, Maddie, and Roxanne. Carlos?"

"Okay, so I'll go find our limo so we canbreak the barrier and uh, get back on the island the wand" I said
"Perfect" Mal said "Evie?"
"Yeah?" Evie replied
"You will use this to take out the driver" Mal handed her a bottle filled with blue liquid "two sprays, and he'll be out like a light"
"Okay" Evie said nodding as she took the bottle.
Jay and I left the table and went over to our beds.
"Mal" I heard Evie said softly "you wanna Break Ben's love spell"
I looked at the two girls, wait if she's going to do that...then do I have to break up with Bella? I saw Mal look up at Evie, she nodded.
"Yeah. You know, for after"
"Mal.." I said walking over to her and Evie.

"I've just been thinking, you know" Mal said softly "when the Villains finally do invade Auradon, and begin to loot, and kick everyone out of their castles, and their leaders, and destroy all that is good and beautiful, Ben still being in love with me just seems a little extra....cruel"
"What about Bella?" I asked "I didn't use a love spell"
"I'm sorry Carlos" Evie said
"I love her" I said, tears forming my eyes "I don't want to lose her" 

By now I had tears falling down my face, I was a mess just thinking about losing her.  She has done so much for us and I can't imagine how heartbroken she'd be if she knew what our plan was. I don't want to lose her, I can't lose her.

"We could take her with us" Evie said
"Like she would go" Mal said "she's going to be queen"
"Sorry Carlos" Jay said
"What about you!? You told me that you like Roxanne! Think of what will happen to her!" I said
"You're right" Jay said, "what would happen to her?"
"Do you think we're doing the right thing?" Evie asked
Mal looked at us and looked down.
"To be honest, I'm not so sure anymore...but we have no choice, this has to be done" Mal answered

Third persons POV

It was The middle of the night and all four of the villain kids where awake. Jay got out of bed and stop, staring at the tourney trophy on his dresser. "This place isn't that bad" he remembers telling Mal. Carlos turned over in his bed, very much awake. He was worried about The plan and what would happen with Bella. Dude was laying beside him whimpering sadly. Carlos reached out and slowly cut his back, I tear fell from his eye as he thought of losing Bella. "If being with you is a risk, that's something I'm willing to take" he remembers Bella telling him "I believe that you and the others are good, you just need to be given a chance"

Evie sat on her bed, she opened up her nightstand drawer. She pulled out her chemistry exam booklet, with bright red B+ clear on the front. "For once I feel like I'm not just another pretty face " she remembers telling Doug. Mel was in the kitchen, mixing up the anti-love potion, "A million thoughts, in my head, should I let my heart keep listening? "She saying "I know it's time to say goodbye, so hard to let go...."A tear fell into the anti-love potion. After all the four kids were misunderstood, they didn't want to be evil but at the same time, they wanted to make their parents proud. They just don't know what to pick, be happy or make their parents happy?

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