Chapter 14

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"You think you love me?" I asked in shock. I can't believe he said that, don't get me wrong I like him too. No forget it! I love Carlos, he makes me so happy.
"I know I don't know what love is, but when I'm around you I feel something that I can't describe. So it must be love" He said
I smiled and gave Carlos a huge hug. I put my lips to his ear and whispered.
"I think I love you too"
He pulled away from the hug and I saw his eyes light up like a kid on Christmas.
"Do you really mean it?" He asked
"Of course I do, I know that your mother is a villain and my parents are the poster parents of goodness. But that doesn't mean we're like them, I believe that you and the others are good. You just need to be given a chance, if being with you is a risk then that risk is something I'm willing to take" I said
"Bella, you make me so happy." He said
"You make me happy too," I said

Both of us looked into each other's eyes and we slowly leaned in. I soon felt his lips on mine, the kiss was passionate and I felt him smile in the kiss. We pulled away and smiled at each other. 

"Wow" He said "so that's a kiss"
I giggled and nodded
"It was my first kiss also," I said
"What! How? You're an amazing person" Carlos said
"Apparently others don't think so, they all like Ben more," I said
Carlos looked at me and held my face in his hand.
"You are perfect, Bella," He said looking me in the eyes "I love you so much"
I smiled and kissed him "I love you too"
"I think it's time to head back, we have classes tomorrow," He said
I smiled and nodded.
"I suppose you're right," I said "I really want to stay here with you"
"I do too, trust me I do but right now I think we should go. The sun is about to seat" He said
I looked up and saw that Carlos was right the sun was about to set.
"I didn't notice how long we were gone," I said
"Time fly's"

Carlos moved his arm and I moved my head from his shoulder. He stood up and held out his hand, I grabbed it and he helped me out. We packed up everything and walked back to the school.
"Did you enjoy this date?" Carlos asks
"I had a wonderful time, thank you," I said
"We should do this again someday," He said
"Yeah we should"
We continued to walk in silence, it wasn't bad at all. It was really nice, Carlos is that kind of person that you don't need to talk to, he can just be around you and you feel great.
"Bella?" Carlos asked stopping and looking at me
"Yeah?" I asked
"This may seem a bit early to ask but...would you like, my girlfriend?" He asked nervously while scratching the back of his neck.
I giggled and nodded, I hugged him and kissed his cheek.
"I'm so glad you asked"

He pulled away out of the hug and kisses me. I smiled in the kiss and when we pulled away he rested his forehead against mine. We smiled and I laced our fingers together.
"We better continue walking before Fairy Godmother puts us in detention," I said
By the time we got back to the school, it was a few more minutes until curfew. Carlos walked me back to my dorm and before I opened the door he pulled me into a hug and kisses me quickly.
"I'll see you tomorrow" He said
"Okay...I'll see you tomorrow"
He gave me one last kiss and I hugged him.
"I love you," I told him
"I love you too"

I opened the door and walked in.
"Bye Bella"
"Bye Carlos"
I shut the door and leaned up against it. I took a breath and smile, I honestly love him to bits. When I turned on the lights I almost jumped out of my skin, I saw Mal, Evie, Roxanne, and Maddalina. I put a hand over my heart and calmed down.
"What are you all doing here?" I asked "you almost scared the living daylights out of me"
"Enough of the chitchat, how was it!?" Evie said
I walked away from the door and onto my bed.
"It was amazing..he's a wonderful person," I said
"Did he ask you the question?" Maddalina asked
"Did you say yes?" Mal asked

The girls and I did a huge group hug.
"That's amazing, did you ask him to the coronation?" Mal asked
"Yeah and he's coming, he said that he might get Evie or Jay hold Dude for him"
"I could do it, if Carlos lets me dress him up," Evie said
"You'll have to ask him yourself," I said laughing
"So we want all the details," Roxanne said
"Well, we went to the park and he told me his life story and I told him that we didn't have to be our parents," I said
"Ben gave me the same speech," Mal said
"And after that, we had a little picnic and it was just amazing"
"Oh my goodness! you did what I think you did!" Roxanne yelled
I looked at her and I felt my face heat up.
"Holy jumping crickets!" Maddalina yelled
"Wait what happen?" Evie asked
"Carlos and I might have kissed," I said
"Holy Lucifer!" Mal said "did you really?"
I nodded my head and Evie squealed.
"This is amazing! I wonder if he'll tell jay!?" She said clapping her hands
"He probably will, if he doesn't Jay will beat it out of him," Mal said
"Not literally, there's no need to worry," Evie said
"So you have a boyfriend and you guys shared your first kiss?" Roxanne said
"What a night!" Maddalina said
"I think it's romantic," Evie said dreamingly
"We should get to bed, it's late," Mal said
Maddalina looked at her watch and jumped.
"Oh my! I have to get back to my dorm with Lilith"
"Who's that?" Evie asked 

"Maddie's best friend, she's the daughter of the March Hare" Roxanne said
"Our parents were best friends and me and her understand each other" Maddalina said
"You better get going if you don't want to be late for tea," I said
Maddalina gave all of us a hug and left the room.
"We'll see you tomorrow Bella," Mal said
"Okay I'll see you girls," I said
The girls gave Roxanne and I, a hug and Mal left the room with Evie fowling. Before Evie left she turned around.
"I think you and Carlos are absolutely adorable, I'm glad he found someone like you."
I smiled at her "Thanks Evie"

When Evie left me and Roxanne got changed and sat on our beds.
"So now that me and Carlos are together, how about you and Jay?"
"Shut up Belles, he probably doesn't like me that way"
I looked at Roxanne and shook my head.
"That's the exact same thing I said about Carlos"
"Whatever, you should do something for them" Roxanne said "I mean family day is soon"
"Roxanne your genius!" I said "they can Skype with their parents tomorrow"
"That's not what I meant but good idea"
"I'll have to talk to Fairy Godmother about it tomorrow before classes start" I said
"Always thinking about others, I still don't understand why you don't have that many friends" She said
"I got all the friends I need" I said
"Okay..goodnight Belles"
"Goodnight Roxanne"
We turned off the lights and I fell asleep to flashbacks of the date and with a smile on my face.

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