Chapter 20

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Today was family day! I got up early and got changed into a simple yellow dress, black flats and I tied my hair up in a high pony tail. I met up with Ben and a few others because Ben wanted to welcome our guest with a song.

"Any ideas?" Ben asked
"I think Be Our Guest, would be the best option," I said
"Perfect idea Belles" Roxanne said
"Meet me back here for the welcoming" Ben said
We all nodded and left to set up for family day.

When it was time to welcome our guest Ben and I stood behind everyone as they started singing.
Ben and through the singers, announcing royally.

"Ma chere, Mademoiselle." Ben said
"It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight," I said
"And now we invite you to relax, let us pull up a chair as the dining room proudly presents," Ben said
"Your dinner!" Ben and I said smiling.
He bowed and I smiled bowing my head

The group started to sing "Be our guest! Be our guest! Put our service to the test Tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie And we'll provide the rest!"
"That's right" Ben said
"Soup du jour, Hot hors d'oeuvres, why, we live only to serve! Try the gray stuff
It's delicious!, don't believe me?, Ask the dishes!"

Ben and I sang and with the group, smiling and waving at people in the crowd.

"They can sing, sing, sing They can dance, dance, dance" The boys sang together. I went to the back and danced with the girls.

"After all, Miss, this is France And a dinner here is never, never second best! Go on, unfold your menu Take a glance and then you'll
Be our guest, Be our guest, Be our guest!"

"They tell jokes, I do tricks With my fellow candlesticks! And it's on perfect taste, that you can bet! Come on and lift your glass, you've won your own free pass, to be our guest!"

"If you're stressed, it's fine dining we suggest!" Ben and I said

"Be our guest, be our guest, be our guest!"

When we finished our song the parents clapped and smiled, Ben and I walked over to our parents and hugged them.
"That was wonderful," Mom said smiling
"Thanks, mom" I said 

I looked over and saw my friends talking by the chocolate fountain, I smiled as Carlos and Jay took handfuls of chocolate-covered strawberries. Carlos looked over and smiled at me with his mouth covered with chocolate. I laughed and pointed under my nose, Carlos put three fingers under his nose and he saw that there was chocolate all over his face, he blushed and looked down trying to get it off. I giggled and shook my head....just like that first time we met. 

"Come for a family picture dear," Mother said
"Coming" I replied walking over and standing beside my mom, Ben was on my right, and father was in his right.
"Oh! I have a new girlfriend, and Bella has a boyfriend" Ben said
"Smile on three" The cameraman said
"Oh good, I never liked Audrey anyway. I didn't want to say this but she was stuck up, wore a fake smile"
"You and me both mother," I said
"So Bella you have a boyfriend?" Dad asked
"Who's your new girlfriend Ben?" Mother asked
"Do we know her?" Father asked
"Well, kind of" I replied as Ben called out to Mal
"Mal!" He yelled calling her over

Our picture was taken with Ben and I smiling and our shocked parents. Ben walked over to Mal and smiled at mom and dad.
"Mom, Dad, this is Mal. My girlfriend," He said, "I was thinking maybe she could join us for lunch?"
"Of...course" Dad said "my...any friends of Ben's"
Ben put his arm around Mal and smiled.

"Oh, actually I came with my friends," Mal said looking back at Jay and Carlos who were still at the chocolate-covered fruit.
"Well, you should invite them." Mom said nervously "because the more the merrier!"
"Yeah. I'll go tell them" Mal said
"Uh, how about a game of croquet before lunch?" Dad asked
"Game on?" Ben said
"Game on," Dad said, they fist-bumped and Ben walked away with Mal to get the others. Mom looked at me and dad, nearly fainted as they left, but dad caught her.

"And who are you dating, darling?" Dad asked
"Carlos, the son of Cruella De Vil" I answered
My parents looked at me in horror.
"Give him and Mal a chance, you'll love them. After all mom, you said to always follow your heart, that's what I'm doing"
My mother nodded and smiled.
"Very well dear, I'm proud of you," Mom said
I smiled and hugged both of my parents.
"You'll be a great queen Bella," My dad said
I hugged my dad and smiled, walking away over to Carlos. Carlos smiled and embraced me in a hug.

"You smell like chocolate," I said giggling "let me"
I grabbed a napkin and cleaned off his face, he smiled and kissed me. He pulled away and looked me in the eyes.
"You look beautiful today, as usual"
"You're telling me, you clean up nicely," I said fixing his jacket "but thank you"
"I see you told your parents about us" He said
"Wait? How did y-" I looked over my shoulder and saw my parents watching us. "Oh..well yeah I did"
"They're okay with it?" He asked
"At first they were shocked, but I told my mother that I'm following my heart and that my heart wants to be with you" 

Carlos smiled and kissed me again, I kissed back. We stood there for a while and I pulled away and we linked out arms.
"Are you ready for a game of croquet?" I asked as we walked
"I don't know how to play" He replied
"That's okay, I don't even like that game anyway. I find it boring" I said "we can play with Dude"
Carlos smiled and kissed my cheek
"That sounds great, you're the best"
I smiled and nodded resting my head in his shoulder as we walked.
"I love you Bella"
"I love you too Carlos"

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