Chapter 9

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I was running towards Ben and Carlos when I heard Carlos speak.
"So where's your trainer?"
Ben looked over and saw me coming.  He gave me a smile and waved me over. 
"She's right here," He said
"She?" Carlos turned around and saw me.
"Yeah it's a she" I said laughing "you guys ready?"
"Your trainer is your sister?" Carlos asked looking at Ben.
"Yep, she's a part of the track team. She's the faster runner in school" Ben said
"I help out the whole team, I have to train most of the members. But I don't think Jay needs any help" I noted "He needs to be more of a team player"
"Coach will give him the speech," Ben said
"If he becomes more of a team player, then the team will definitely win the big game," I said 

I looked over at Carlos and smiled. I clapped my hands together and I passed Ben some cones for him to go and do his own drills.

"Alright! Are you ready?" I asked
"Yep" He replied
"You're in good hands Carlos, I'll be over there." Ben said pointing "need anything just call" 

Ben soon left and I looked at my clipboard as Carlos re-tied his shoes. I looked at him as he was in a starting position. 

"Okay! Carlos, we're going to start off with some sprints" I said
Carlos nodded. I looked down and grabbed my whistle and put it in my mouth as I held my stopwatch. Before I blew my whistle I heard a dog bark and I looked up to see Carlos running away from Dude and Patch that we're chasing him across the field. 

"Oh! Ah! No wait!" Carlos yelled as he ran.
I looked down at my watch and stopped. Carlos had already bet half of the teams regular running time. If he keeps up the speed he'll be the fastest on the team! 
"Amazing!" I yelled, I turned and saw Carlos still running "Carlos?"
"No! Ahhhh!" He screamed and ran into the forest. That's when I realized that he was scared of the dogs. 
"Carlos!" I yelled, I dropped my clipboard and ran after him and the two dogs.

I heard the dogs barking as I ran looking for Carlos.
"Carlos?!" I called
"Bella!" He called "Bella? Bella help me!"
"Whoa-whoa what?" I said as I came to a halt
I found Carlos clinging to a tree, hugging it tightly. The dogs were still barking at him.
"Patch!" I yelled
Patch looked at me and came over.
"Go to Chris," I said, Patch looked over at Dude and left.
"This dog is a killer!" Carlos yelled pointing at Dude. "He's going to chase me down and rip out my throat! This is a vicious, rabid packed animal!"
I knelt down and picked up Dude, I looked at Carlos confused.
"Hey, who told you that?"
Carlos looked at me as it was obvious. "My mother"
"Cruella?" I asked. Carlos nodded.
"She's a dog expert, a dog yeller. A-why are you holding him!! He's going to attack you" Carlos hugged the tree even harder. I smiled at him and laughed slightly.
"Carlos, you've never actually met a dog before have you?" I asked
"Of course not!" He said
I looked down at Dude and smiled.
"Dude meet Carlos, Carlos, this is Dude." I motioned to the dog, "he's the campus mutt"
"He doesn't look like a vicious, rabid packed animal" Carlos said as his grip on the tree loosened and he slowing got back on the ground." Oh jeez" he mumbled looking at Dude.

"You're a good boy, aren't you?" He asked Dude.
He pet Dude and Dude whined a bit as he sniffed Carlos. Carlos carefully put his arms out and I placed Dude in Carlos's arm. Carlos held him bouncing him slightly. I smiled at the image, Carlos can just be so adorable.
"You're a good boy" Carlos said as Dude sniffed his face.
"I guess you guys had it pretty rough on the island," I said
Carlos looked up at me and nodded smiling sadly.
"Yeah. Let's just say we don't get a lot of belly rubs"
I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled.
"Good boy," I said, he looked at me confused and I mentally slapped myself
"What I mean is that you're a good runner. You're-you're fast, you know"
I stuttered, I can't believe I said that. Good boy?! What the hell was I thinking? Carlos chuckles smiles at me.
"Oh yeah," He said "thanks"
"No problem" I replied "you know? The track team could really use a runner like you"
"I don't know..." He started "I'll think about it"
I smiled at him. "Please do"
"Okay so, I'll give you two some time alone. You know get to know each other?" I said
Carlos smiled at me and nodded.
"Just come find me Or Ben after you're done" I said turning around and being to walk away.
"Um Bella?" Carlos asked
"Yeah?" I said facing him
"Thanks...for everything," He said
I smiled and nodded
"Anytime," I said
And the most unexpected thing happened. Carlos leaned over and kissed my cheek. I felt my face get hot and I looked at the ground. I bit my lip and smiled.
"I'll-um see you later" I said
"Yeah see ya" He said

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