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Hola, this bonus is a bit plain to me XD


Wedding march echoed in the church and all the family was happy and so the other guests. Dean walked Dianne down the aisle to his son while Dylan was waiting near the priest nervously. He kept looking at the door until he could see Dianne with his Dad.

Dean Junior patted his back while Daniel held his laugh because he found it funny to watch his brother acted like that. Dan, Davis and Dexter also became groomsmen wearing black tuxedo with gelled hair.

Daniel never expected that his younger brother would married before him. He's just too young but he had already responsibilty and nice job so his future wife doesnt need to worry about everything. And his future wife is his baby sister. So many surprised for him.

He saw his dad said something to Dianne which made her blush then laughed. She's beautiful in white long fitted dress and the veil with crown. Dianne dreamed to have that when her wedding came and it comes true.

He heard soft sniffle then he saw who was it. Dylan held his crying as he smiled at Dianne and his older brother still tried to calm him. He was a bit speechless because Dylan is nosey younger brother and he never found him crying except when he was a little boy.

He also saw his younger sister and Dean's wife is blushing then looked away trying not to smile. He rolled his eyes. He was sure Dean did something naughty to her. But he was happy for them because Dean makes her happy. Daphne is still a shy girl and is opposite with her twin. She touched her bump on her mauve dress and yes she is maid of honor. The bridesmaids are Dianne's friends and they wore the mauve dress but with different model from Daphne.

He caught Daphne talked to another bridesmaid and they laughed a bit then they were silent because Dianne arrived. The ceremony goes smoothly but he still stared at the beauty beside his sister.

She was his partner to walk down minutes ago. Why did he just realize? He needed to ask Dianne later.

They took family pictures for the new man and wife. Valentina couldnt keep her tears and Dean had to calm her. Indeed they were happy because Dylan and Dianne were the second couple who got married after Dean and Daphne.

They are waiting their first grandchild and also who is the next one among their boys will bring their future daughter in law.


After both maid of honor and best man did their speech, the DJ announced to let the new couple had their first dance following with the guests and groomsmen and bridesmaids.

Daniel man up and asked his partner to have a dance. She was blushing but but smile at him. He took her hand and they started to dance. He held her waist and never let his eyes turned everywhere. He spinned her and caught her in his embrace. Her face turned red but her smile never vanished.

"sorry, but we dont have proper talk before, " he started when they swayed. "may I ask your name? As you know, I am Daniel-"

" I know, Daniel. Didi told me, " she smiled at him. " I am Maryane Douglas, her collage friend. "

" can I call you Mary? "

"everybody calls me that. "

"good, " he chuckled at his silliness. " do you work? "

"yes. I am an editor at Red Bloomsberg Publishing, " she replied when she was spinned again.

The crowd gone crazy and father-daughter dance already passed. They were into their convo and never paid attention to their surrounding. Daniel caught his Mom gave him known look and she smirked but it was for a second before his Dad took his Mom to their table.

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