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"Your parents are awesome." Joe says as he throws himself on Aurora's bed, both Apollo and Thor climbing up to join him. As soon as the twins had arrived, Angela took the opportunity to get to know them and make sure they felt at home. Much to the sisters' surprise, even Michael had liked the boys immediately and most importantly Apollo, which lead the twins to discuss their pets with Michael, who eventually showed them their ant farm.

"I'm pretty sure they think the same." Aurora chuckles, as Jason takes a seat at her office chair.

"So, this is the famous room." Jason says as he spins around in the chair, as Cat sits down on the hanging Hammock Chair. "It's cute. Very you."

"Are you saying I'm cute?" Aurora asks teasingly, a blush slowly forming on his cheeks.

"I think he is. He is very smooth. It's in the genes." Joe says, making Cat snort as she shakes her head.

"Yeah whatever makes you sleep at night." Cat says, making Joe throw a pillow at her.

"Okay, Ms. Wilson, are you just gonna stand there all day?" Jason asks as he spins around one more time.

"And where exactly do you want me to sit?" Aurora asks with a raised eyebrow, as she looks at the bed where Joe is busy throwing pillows at Cat, who is sitting on the hammock, leaving her office chair, which is taken by Jason.

"I don't know. We can share the chair." Jason says teasingly, making her glare at him playfully as he opens up his arms mockingly. Wanting to get back at him for his mockery, she doesn't hesitate to actually sit on his laps. "Okay, I didn't see that one coming."

"Oh, really?" Aurora giggles and she is about to stand up, since she didn't actually want to bother him, but before she can, he wraps his arms around her and pulls her closer.

"Might as well get comfortable." Jason shrugs, making a blush settle on her cheeks as she looks down at her lap. "How are you? Like really? I know you're trying to stay strong, but that smile isn't like the one I first saw on that Zoom call."

"It hurts. I feel stupid for letting him blind me on his real self. I thought he was better than this." Aurora sighs, biting her lip to stop herself from bursting into tears. "But at the same time, I feel relieved. Like I've been held back with him and now I'm finally free."

"Rory, a guy like that will only hold you back. I get why he's jealous, I wouldn't enjoy having my very beautiful girlfriend putting her attention on a guy she's only known for a week. But he has not right to control you and he certainly has no right to accuse you." He says softly as he looks at his twin and Cat, still going on with their pillow fight. "He should've just talked to you."

"He should've. But I'm not sure he's that kind of guy." Aurora sighs as she unconsciously rests her head on his shoulder, making him pull her closer to him. "I don't ever think there was a real conversation or even connection between us. We each had our own world. We didn't hang out at school. Neither outside of school except for our weekly dates, which got lazier and lazier. I'm not sure it was ever a real relationship."

"You deserve much better. Someone that'll take you on amazing dates, someone who'll put as much effort as you do." Jason muses, making her smile softly.

"I think I'll just focus on me for now." Aurora states firmly as she sits up right, a grin forming on her face as she notices the pillow that is right behind Jason. "And on my new found amazing friends."

"That's the spirit, Rory." Jason smiles unbeknownst to the fact that Aurora had grabbed a pillow. Without hesitation, she hits him with it, the pillow dropping from her hands in the process. Her eyes widen in amusement as he gapes at. "Okay, Aurora Wilson. It's on."

"It's so on." Aurora giggles as she rushes off his lap and joins Cat's side to grab a few pillows. Immediately forming teams, a massive pillow fight between Wilson and Waud.

Trapped in a Zoom Call ↬ Jason WaudWhere stories live. Discover now