t h i r t y t h r e e

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"It's a good thing we took my car as well." Jason says as they watch Cat wave at them, before going in the other car with Joe and Adam.

"I mean, we weren't all gonna fit in a five seater, Jason." Jaide says from the back, making Aurora snort in amusement.

"Haha, very funny."

"I think it was hilarious." Aurora grins as she turns the car wheel and follows behind Joe, who is driving the second car.

"Are you two ganging up on me?" Jason asks as he let's go of Aurora hand, and pouts.

"Seems right." Jaide muses, as Aurora nods in reply. "By the way, mom and dad, want Aurora and Cat to come for dinner."

"I'm down. And we just have to ask Cat, but she should be too." Aurora says, making Jaide nod as she replies to her mother's message.

"Meeting my parents before we're even dating." Jason says teasingly as he takes her free hand again, a blush rising to her cheeks.

"I met your mom last night to be fair. And you've met my parents." Aurora points out, making him hum in agreement.

"So, wait are you guys a thing or what?" Jaide asks, making Aurora and Jason look at each other for a second, before Aurora focuses on the road again.

"I mean yes and no. Like we're not exactly dating, yet." Jason answers, making Jaide smirk happily.

"Oh, you guys are so cute. I'm so happy you guys are finally getting together. I was worried for a second." Jaide says teasingly, making both blush.

"Worried about what?" Aurora asks, as she glances in the rear view mirror for a second.

"That you two wouldn't act on your feelings. It was obvious to the whole world that there is somethings between you two." Jaide points out.

"True. I knew too." Aurora admits, making Jason look at her in shock.

"Seriously? Why didn't you say anything earlier?" Jason asks, making her bite her lip nervously.

"I was scared." Aurora admits, making Jason soften as he brings the back of her hand to his lips.

"I won't purposefully hurt you ever, Rory." He assures her, making her smile at her.

"You guys are so cute. I can't." Jaide sighs, just as Aurora turns into the parking lot, following the others.

"Final destination." Aurora states as she parks the car right next to the Joe, Adam and Cat. Turning off ignition, the three step out of the car.

"Ready to have the best afternoon ever?" Joe asks, as Cat and Jaide introduce themselves, both seeming already to get along.

"Definitely. Let's go." Jason says in excitement as he starts walking towards the lake, making Joe and Adam fun after him. "Last one there is a rotten egg."

"Boys. Always the same." Jaide jokes as she shakes her head, causing the two sisters to laugh. They slowly make their way to the dock where the boys already are.

"This will be an interesting afternoon. I can already tell." Cat says, causing Jaide to hum in agreement and Aurora to nod.

"Why are you guys so slow?" Joe groans as the girls finally join the boys, making Cat roll her eyes playfully.

"Because we like to take our time." Jaide says as she playfully pushes her younger brother. Jason takes Aurora by the hand and pulls her closer to him.

"How crazy would it be if we all went on a road trip?" Jason asks Aurora as he wraps his arm around her shoulders. "Like whole summer across the US. Starting here and finishing in Virginia, at Adam's place, then eventually fly back before the end."

"You've put a lot of thought into this." She muses as they walks towards the edge of the dock. "Maybe we should do it. It could be fun."

"True." He nods, before looking down at her. "We could go on little dates."

"Are you asking me to go on a date with you?" Aurora asks teasingly as she looks up at him, making a blush rise to his cheeks.

"I mean, it would great." He says nervously, making her giggle.

"I'd love too." She says, before pushing herself on her toes and kissing him, making him smile as he kisses her back.

"Excuse me, was no one gonna tell me that this is a thing now?" Cat asks, making the two pull away and look at her, both blushing.

"We weren't really sure to be honest." Adam admits, as he smirks happily.

"So are you guys dating? When is the wedding? I better be best man!" Joe exclaims happily, making Jason roll his eyes at his brother.

"Joseph, shut up."

Trapped in a Zoom Call ↬ Jason WaudWhere stories live. Discover now