t w e n t y n i n e

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"I feel like since quarantine is over, we haven't caught up at all." Michael points out as he sits down next to his oldest daughter on the couch. Angela and Cat has left to go do grocery shopping, just a few minutes ago.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Been busy." Aurora muses as she turns around on the single seater couch so that she is facing her father, her legs hanging off the armrest.

"So, how's life? Anything I should know? A boyfriend?" Michael asks, causing Aurora too snort.

"Jason and I are just friends." She answers, making him give her a look.

"I never mentioned Jason." He says teasingly, making a blush form on her cheeks. "He's a good kid. He treats you better than Cole has ever, and he's just your friend. Imagine if he was your boyfriend. He'd treat you like a queen."

"He's great. He made me forget about the whole Meg and Cole thing." She admits, making Michael take a deep breath. Being the protective father he is, Michael wasn't pleased when he heard what had happened with Meg, mostly since he had treated her as a part of family.

"Then why are you not dating?" He asks, making her shrug as she fiddles with the strings of her hoodie. "Because I am pretty sure he does like you. So that is not the problem."

"It's more me that is the problem. I don't want a redo of Cole and Meg. I just want to be enough for someone." Aurora admits sadly, making Michael soften at the sight of his daughter so vulnerable.

"Aurora, you are enough. Cole was stupid and Meg was manipulative. A guy like Jason doesn't come often. He'll treat you like the queen you are. But, if you don't do something about your feelings, another girl will come and take him." Michael says, making her sigh as she nods in understanding. "Take your time to get over the Meg and Cole situation, but don't take too long."

"I'm just scared, I guess. He makes me happy and I don't want to loose that. I don't want to loose my best friend." Aurora explains to her father, who nods in understanding.

"What makes you think that you will?"

"Well, there is the fact that in one year we have to go to university and he wants to go to UCLA, while I want to go to NYU." She answers, making him hum thoughtfully.

"So, you're worried the distance would be a problem." Aurora nods at his words. "You know why your mom and I aren't completely aboard the NYU idea? It's not because we don't support you or the financial strain. It's because, sometimes the first university choice isn't the best."


"Yeah. Your mom wanted to study at Berkley, but when she went there, she dropped out the first year and ended up studying here in Washington. I'm not saying you'll have the same fate as her, but we don't want you to end up regretting it. Now, I'm not telling you this because I think you have to follow Jason in UCLA. I'm saying this, because you have to open up your options. Don't focus on only NYU. Look into Washington, UCLA, Stanford, even Harvard if your heart desires it. Just don't put your all your cards down on NYU." He explains, making her nod. "So, don't let distance stop you from being with Jason. Because you might end up close."

"You're right. Thank you dad." Aurora, stands up and walks up to her father to give him a hug.

"You're welcome, sweetie. And I'm always rights." Michael shrugs as she pulls away, making her glare at him playfully.

"Whatever, dad."

Trapped in a Zoom Call ↬ Jason WaudWhere stories live. Discover now