Chapter 4 The Secret Angel

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Third Person POV
Elizabeth Nefta: "What?! Angel language?"

Her voice echoed with disbelief at the revelation.

Dr. Life: "Do you know what you are?"

Elizabeth Nefta: "Yes, a witch."

Dr. Life: "No, you are an Angel."

Elizabeth Nefta: "What?!"

Dr. Life: "Only Angels possess the innate ability to speak it. Nefta, you are an Angel. You were lost as a child and found by the mortals you now call parents, who have betrayed you. I know your real parents."

Elizabeth Nefta: "What? Really? How?"

Her confusion deepened.

Dr. Life chuckled softly before explaining, "When I was younger, I often ventured beyond the castle walls and befriended your parents. They never ceased hoping to find you. It seems their persistence has finally paid off."

Elizabeth Nefta's confusion began to wane, replaced by a sense of understanding. "Oh, okay. Well, it doesn't matter now. I'm going to be burned at the stake anyway."

Dr. Life's expression hardened as he proposed, "Not if I have anything to say about it. Listen, Nefta, I want to make you a deal."

Elizabeth Nefta teased, "I thought demons were supposed to do that."

Dr. Life's expression softened. "Not that kind of deal."

Elizabeth Nefta's curiosity piqued, she asked, "What is it then?"

Before Dr. Life could respond, The Doctor interjected, "Did you make a deal for her to be your wife or something?"

Dr. Life dismissed The Doctor's interruption and continued, "I want to take you back to your parents."

Elizabeth Nefta questioned, "Why? What do you get out of it?"

Dr. Life smiled warmly, "I get to fulfill my promise to your mother."

"Okay, but what about the guards or the warden? Aren't they going to say anything about this?" Elizabeth Nefta inquired.

"Leave that to me," Dr. Life assured her before effortlessly removing the cell door.

"Come, let's go," he beckoned, extending a hand.

Elizabeth Nefta stepped out of the cage, expressing her gratitude, "Thank you."

"No problem, it was my pleasure," Dr. Life responded.

Just then, a guard burst into the room, spear raised, but Dr. Life swiftly commanded him to stand down.

"Go and inform the others she is coming with me," Dr. Life instructed the guard, who hurriedly complied.

As they left the prison, Elizabeth Nefta expressed her surprise, "Well, that was unexpected. Do you think they will let us through?"

"They better. Now, let's go," Dr. Life replied firmly.

As they rode in the carriage toward the kingdom, Elizabeth attempted to engage in conversation.

"So, you're the holy king they refer to?" she asked.

"Hmm, I don't particularly care for titles. I only bear them out of duty as a king. My people know me by my name," Dr. Life explained.

"You seem sterner when others are around," Elizabeth observed.

"It's an act, necessary for my role as king," Dr. Life admitted.

Elizabeth Nefta leaned closer, posing her final question, "They say you are millions or even trillions of years old."

"Yes, that is true," Dr. Life confirmed.

"Then why do you look 17?" she queried.

"The same reason you do. Angel physiology differs; we appear younger than our age," Dr. Life clarified.

"Ah, that makes sense," Elizabeth Nefta acknowledged.

"And here we are, the Heaven Kingdom," Dr. Life announced as they arrived at their destination

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