Chapter 7

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This topic is really messing with my head I really want to change topic and what perfect timing JYP entered the room. He stopped for a min and his facial expression changed.

"What's with this weird vibe coming from all of you. Anyways I'm going to introduce the concept it's simple really you guys know KARD right? You guys are just like that except there'll be a single center the rest will have partners. Daniel you are with Jade, Ryuki you're with jacob and y/n you're the center."

"Yes" whispered Daniel. Jacob also looked happy but Ryuki seems dissatisfied I didn't mind being center as I have Ryujin, my new Ryunie. Yes I've decided I love Ryujin more Ryuki can do anything she wants to try change my mind I need to talk to Jacob too.


I as happy I'm partners with Ryuki which is like saying she's my girlfriend. I just like her her voice is amazing and I feel it goes really well with my rapping. I was staring at Ryuki admiring her beauty as usual when an idiot covered my view, he grabbed my hands and I'm starting to think he's gay. He pulled me out the room

"Jacob do you like Ryujin or Ryuki? Because I love Ryujin so i was thinking can we exchange? But if you like Ryujin then i guess we will have to fight for her." Woah y/n is serious for the first time. I  smirk at him and as soon as I did, he choked me and pinned me against the wall.

"Dude relax I dont like Ryujin you can have her. I fell for Ryuki and her voice I bet her voice is even better than Ryujin." I said as i try to pry open his grip. He's a monster what kind of person has grip like this. He release his grip and i catch my breath. He smiled and went back in the room i followed right after. When I entered he's with Ryuki? As in my Ryuki?


I need to talk to Ryuki about this. So i went in the room and approach her she seems happy to see me, am I gonna break a woman's heart for the first time? But its for the best I'm sorry Ryuki.

"Ryuki I know I made a very important promise but my heart is with Ryujin I love her I hope you understand but dont worry my friend Jacob there, he likes you and we agree to switch partners."

"Are girls just objects to you? Switch? Don't be foolish y/n. You might love Ryujin but a promise is a promise you better keep it if you're a man, and Jacob I dont care if he likes me I dont like him so remember a promise is a promise."

Ryuki she's angry really angry she seem like the shy type but she looks scary when angry. I saw Jacob and I think he overheard everything but he acts like he didn't. JYP left us to familiarize with each other but things are very awkward in this room. First we have Daniel who is flirting with Jade she on the other hand is staring at me while Ryuki is pouting in the corner and lastly Jacob is talking to himself, its total chaos here. I'm just gonna go home and talk to Ryujin, untill I debut I'm gonna keep staying at Ryujin's dorm.

"Ryunie can we talk?" I said as I looked down she suspected something is wrong and followed me immediately. I told her everything regarding the promise but she doesn't seem surprise or more accurately she doesnt seem to care.

"I knew everything already and I don't care I realize that I like you, like alot. Promise didn't matter I knew you weren't the one I kept my promise to. My promise was to get married not date but I'm fine just dating you first and slowly work our way up. Lets change the topic I heard from pd-nim you already have your group?" Wow she changed gears real quick. I let her in on the information of my group and members as well as our concept. She seems very interested and its moments like this that makes me forgot about all the problems.


They seem to be happy and as the leader I can only support their happiness, but the moment he does something weird or make Ryujin sad I'm gonna make it so that he regrets being born. Wait they're sitting way too close, why are they resting on each other's forehead? oh no are they gonna kiss? I need to stop them those idiots are too focused on each other that they can't see someone with a camera is behind the bush I need to do something


I'm feeling hot I looked over at Ryujin and she is biting her lips she leaned closer and rest her forehead on mine.

I'm feeling hot I looked over at Ryujin and she is biting her lips she leaned closer and rest her forehead on mine

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"I'm thirsty those lips look juicy I need a lil sip." She leaned in closer I'm just going with the flow.

"YAH!! get back in y/n and cook us dinner we're hungry." Yeji yelled from way back and when she yelled i heard someone falling from a bush not far away. Damn why wasn't I careful i chase after that silhouette and caught him I took his camera and saw pictures of me and Ryujin even one where we are almost kissing it actually looks decent.

"Hey can you send me this like now?" He looked really scared so he quickly send it to me i thanked him then I crushed his memory card. He was shocked I threw some cash at him and told him to buy a new memory card with it. He ran away and said sorry, jeez am I really that scary? I walked back to the dorm and admire the picture of us.

 He ran away and said sorry, jeez am I really that scary? I walked back to the dorm and admire the picture of us

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(Imagine you and ryujin)

I entered the dorm and saw Yeji kneeling.

"What's going on Ryunie what happened why is she kneeling?"

"She lied whats worse she ruined our fun time, and why did you run were you embarrassed?" I blushed

"No of course not, I went to catch someone who was taking a picture of us she saved us.a@ (shows photo)"

"Ooh send me that too we look really cute but still she could have done it without the shouting so oppa you wanna continue in my room we can go further (bite lips)" argh as much as I want to I can't yet

"Maybe next time Ryunie (pecks forehead) I need to prepare dinner and I'm really tired" I said as I Walked to the kitchen to prepare some food.

"See what you did eonnie we were suppose to share our first kiss and you had to ruin it" she walked away pouting. Me and the other members couldn't help but laugh and adore her cuteness after we had dinner i went straight to bed and close my eyes but I felt a heavy sensation on my waist and was shocked to see Ryujin on top of me. Seems like Yeji is locked outside as i can hear her banging the door.

"Shut up Yeji there's no way you can ruin this he's all mine so sleep on the couch today you bad eonnie. Oppa you're all mine." She whispers in my ear as she went under my blanket I cant help but let her do what she wants.


(Authors note:imma let you imagine what they did anyways hey chapter 7 i cant release this on time as i had online class but i kept my promise of 2 chapters a day yay)


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