Chapter 15

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This heuningkai suddenly asked me to go out he's really a pain. I never like anyone from bighit they have too much fane but if this is what i have ro do to maintain a good image for jyp then I guess I just have to put up with it. Kai says there's someone that wants to meet me privately and I see a silhouette of a boy, I just wanna go home Im exhausted after this fan sign does he just wanna autograph? As i walk closer that boy does look similar to someone I knkw but who I cant seem to remember is it my promise I made to him 10 years ago?


Okay if jacob made that promise with Ryujin i can just pretend to be Jacob right? I'm pretty sure he doesn't mind I'm really sorry Jacob. I saw Ryujin slowly approaching me and my heart starts beating I managed to convince the doctors that I could walk but it took all my energy just to walk here and stand here honestly I can't do anything.

"Ryu, long time no see remember me?" I finally managed to say it using Ryu should atleast allow me to pretend to be Jacob.

"Ryu? You mean me that means you... Are you that boy?"

"Yes Ryu I've finally found you but it seems I'm a little late you got a boyfriend now I guess our promise is invalid huh." Ryujin looks on the floor and slowly looked at me. Tears went down her face and she hugged me.

"I thought you died in the plane. The plane crashed and I heard only one survived and was in a coma y/n I miss you I was so worried." Did she just say my name? Didn't she make a promise with Jacob? Well it is what it is im glad she knows me.

"Ryu I love you so i just want you to be happy even if its with someone thats not me" I pushed her away with what little strength I have and she held my wrist and placed it on her cheek.

"I don't love him im doing it for JYP I love you I've been hoping that you were the survivor. You know how long I've been waiting painfully?" Tear kept flowing it didnt stop but i gotta push her away theres a man running towards us and he's wearing a mask and he seems to be holding something. This can't be good I can't save her like I did in my coma I barely have the strength to stand his coming closer. I gathered all my strength and pushed Ryujin out of the way as i fell to my knees the man stabbed me in the shoulder and punched me in the jaw. I have no strength to stay conscious so i blacked out I just hope Ryujin is safe.


Y/N he got stabbed.

"I hot nothing against you Ryujin in fact I'm a fan but this guy here deserves to die see you. hwaiting!" That masked man left with y/n I'm pissed at myself I was unable to do anything when y/n was being taken away I need to find help. I run to find yeonjun and I told him what happened. It seems that a friend of y/n heard everything and he rushed to me.

"Hyung was stabbed and kidnapped? This idiot i knee this would happen he's known as the young delinquent before he moved to the states. Even at a young age we beat people up older than him it's jo wonder he made enemies. We gotta save him."


"Bro wake up, you just came back from a 10 year coma this should be nothing." This voice in my head it cant be Jacob? Jacob is that you.

"Yes but thats not important you gotta wake up don't die you cant leave Ryujin yet." Jacob but didnt you made the promise with Ryujin?

"Yes I did but Ryuki died on the plane i managed to talk to god and he changed somethings." God? So he's with Ryuki now but how am I supposed to wake up?

"The same way you did when you were in a coma use you will power just think of Ryujin" thats easy i think of her all the time I've been with Ryujin for months but its not the actual Ryujin now I can finally be with her so just let me live peacefully with her. It worked i slowly opened my eyes but my shoulder is burning guess the stab wounds still hurt and no amount of will power can fix that.

"Guess who's awake? Yo dickhead you up? See everyone here this are the guys who u used to beat up 10 years ago we actually hoped you died but guess not. See even I was surprised to think there are over a hundred people here who hates you." Now we're gonna film a beating. We're gonna beat you till you die.


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