Chapter 16

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Where is he? I managed to get Yeonjun, Heuningkai, Daniel, Dowoon, Felix and Jackson to help me look for him but we have no idea where to start.

"Found him" a staff shouted, I ran towards him and took a look at the computer screen.

"I haven't done this in a while but I managed to track his phone." All of us quickly got in a car and head to his location JYP prepared a few guards and we told y/n's dad and he sent a few guards of his own.


My whole body hurts how long has it been? I cant see anything these fuckers blindfolded me the moment I wake up. I guess I'm joining you soon Jacob, no I can't I wont leave her behind again It's my final promise.

"That's the spirit just hold a little longer they will come" they? I shouldn't feel relieve yet I felt something sharp on my cheek crazy bastard actually is trying to kill me. I need to buy time I need to distract him somehow.

"Hey coward why dont you untie me and we duke it out like real men" I hope this works.

"Good idea since you just woke up from a coma you cant do much." He took his knife and i cant feel him cutting the ropes. I cant let this chance pass by as soon as I feel my hands free I'm gonna punch his face. When I feel the ropes getting loose I moved my hands and land a solid hit.

"Coma? Come on, its me the guy who could take on anyone during middle school a little coma means nothing." The guys screaming in agony I took off my blindfold and saw group of people running towards our direction. Well guess I gotta bounce I'm still tired I ran the opposite direction from the grp when I see another one coming from the direction I was heading. How many people did I offend. I raise my hands when I hear a familiar voices actually a few damiliar voices.

"They're here" jacob said but who?

"Oppa!" ryujin?

"Hyung!" Daniel?

"Hyung!" Heuningkai?

"Y/N" Yeonjun?

"Young master" is that dads guard? Im safe I let out a sigh of relieve and fall to the ground I felt Ryujin's arms around my neck as she hugged me.

"Wake up please wake up you idiot oppa" Ryujin I can feel her tears.

"Shit we gotta blast I wont forget this y/n you better sleep with you eyes open." I heard the gang fleeing.

"Ryujin I just wanan sleep"

"You better wake up or I'll break up with you so please stay alive."


No he can't be dead, I need to take him to the hospital why is this happening to y/n he just woke up and got discharged and now he has to be admitted back? He finally got a chance to be awake dont tell me he's gonna be in another coma. I'm walking around in circles outside y/n's ward and when the dictor came out I bombarded him with questions.

"Is he gonna live? Is he gonna loose his memories? Will he be able to remember me? Is he in a coma? When will he wake up?" The doctor just smiled it should mean everything is fine right?

"Miss Ryujin he's gonna be fine he just needs to rest it took alot of willpower just to be able to walk. He was too hasty to be discharged this was partly my fault too. We are lucky he didn't take any damage to the head but he has several broken bones." Broken bones? My poor y/n I went in his room and see him just lying there lifeless not moving but he's smiling, I guess even while knocked out he's always happy. Finally after 10 years I found him but I was only able to spend a few minutes with him.


"Jacob I did it haha I survived but why is everything black?"

"You're knocked out everything is fine just rest here for awhile."


"She's by your side, well I gotta get going can't keep God and Ryuki waiting long. You're on your own pal don't rely on me too much and remember I'm always here for you. Ouh yea before I go don't rest too long you might get too comfortable and follow me and you might make Ryujin worried if you stay here for too long."

"Rest assured I'll nit be following you anytime soon loser I'm gonna let you and Ryuki have some fun time together I'll just rest here for a bit.

(Timeskip 2 days)

I guess i probably should wake up now. I slowly saw the light and opened my eyes slowly I adjusted my vision to the bright hospital room as compared to the dark void I was resting at and beside me or more accurately laying above my left hand is Ryujin, she must be so worried. I flicked her forehead and she groaned in agony, she slowly opened her eyes then it widen.

"OPPA!!!!" Ahh that voice I miss it I stroke her hair and closed my eyes. She then slapped me.

"Oww I'm a patient you can't hit a patient"

"Yes I can I'm the medicine so please don't close your eyes again or I'm gonna break up with you."

"Again with the break up? Heh I guess you really dont want me to live you alone. Don't worry my last promise is to never leave you." She smiled and i pulled her closer and kiss her cheeks. It was a soft kiss as I didnt have strength to engage a full make out session yet.

"Ehemm Hyung you are so weird the first thing you did when you wake up was kiss Ryujin not even notifying the doctors." Daniel? He's here I didn't notice him hut it seems he's been here since I woke up cause Ryujin is really embarrassed shes blushing so much she turned to a tomato.

"Hyung hate to burst your bubble but he still haven't been caught." That fucker who put me in this situation well I'll recover first then I'll deal with him.


(Guys I'm back and my stitches is removed feeling alot better now I just need to save money for my specs)

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