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Jake's POV

THE RANG OF HIS PHONE STARTLED HIM. Jake was still sleeping soundly when it was not his alarm but someone calling him what woke him up, making him jump out of the couch and landing into the hard, cold floor. He groaned. Who was calling at... ten AM?!?! Well, great, he had overslept. He checked his phone and noticed he had a zillion messages and lost calls. Jake sat back on the couch, scrolling through his screen.

Rosa    Where are you man? You're never this late (7)


Amy    Jake, are you okay? Where is Sarah? (3)

Terry   Peralta do you know where is detective Moore?! (5)

Gina    Jake, I love the controversy you're causing but please text back, we're all worried for you and Sarah (2)

Holt    Dear Jake, you are an hour late for work, we started getting worried about you and detective Moore. Sincerely, Raymond Holt (4)

He blinked several times, Jake immediately understood by context what was happening. Yeah, he was late, completely normal, but according to those texts... they were also asking about Sarah. Concern grew inside him, though he knew he shouldn't be so paranoid. Maybe Sarah had overslept as well. Perhaps she had woken up sick. 

A knock on the door startled him once more, and he stood up and opened. Rosa and Charles were there, the first one took a deep breath of relief when seeing Jake, and Charles practically tackled him in a tight hug. 

"He needs to breath, Boyle," said Rosa, and Charles squealed, as Jake let them go in his apartment.

"I know. I was just really worried for him," he suddenly frowned and hit Jake in the shoulder.

"Ow!" Jake exclaimed, rubbing his shoulder, "what was that for?!"

"Sorry," said Charles," it's just that you weren't answer your texts and we thought something had happened to you!" 

Jake tilted his head. "I don't get what happened, I just woke up."

"Clearly," said Rosa. "Nothing happened, but neither you and Sarah were at the precinct today so we thought that maybe you'd been kidnapped or something worse, and you weren't answering our messages or calls. Amy and Terry went to check up on Sarah."

It took Jake a few minutes to process that, but then he gasped. What if Sarah was hurt? What if, like Rosa had just said, Sarah had been kinapped? Oh, god. Jake would never forgive himself. And all because he had overslept? What an idiot! Just when he was about to ask her out! Now they would never be anything, not even friends, if something happened to Sarah, and—no, wait, Jake, you're spiralizing, everything is fine, remember? There's nothing to worry about...

"Jake! You zoned out," Rosa waved her hand in front of his eyes, and he looked at her, going back to reality.

"Sorry," he massaged his temples, "I fell out of the couch when I woke up and my head hurts like hell—but, whatever, what are we doing here?? We have to go check up on Sarah!"

He started walking to the door, but Rosa stopped him. "Hey, don't worry, I told you Amy and Terry are already there."

"I don't care, I want to see if she's alright," Jake shrugged, and grabbed his jacket, Charles and Rosa reached him in a rush when he was already in the hallway. Until that moment he realized that he was wearing the clothes from the day before. "Do I look good?" he asked the other two.

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