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"Madam Mosura...?" A dark grey-blue wolf walked into the den with a young winged tomcat beside him, his head was down in gloom. "Yes, Dagon?" The golden cat rushed over to meet him, then looked at the grey-brown cat in curiosity.

"I found this young one alone by the beach..." The wolf nudged the young and tall cat forward, lifting his head high. "Do you care to take care of him?"

"Of course," Mosura smiled at him, receiving a smile back from him. "Thank you," Dagon nodded, then turned to the unnamed tom and rested his paw on his shoulder, "You be a good lad, alright?"

The grey-brown cat nodded. The king smiled, then left the den.

"What's your name?" Mosura asked the cat. He pointed his golden eyes towards the ground for a few moments, then murmured: "...Ichi."

"It's a nice name," She sweetly responded, "My name is Mosura, but you can call me Mothra."

The tom nodded.

"Get some sleep now, Ichi," Mosura beckoned him towards an extra nest. Ichi walked over to the patch of moss and lay down, "Thank you, Madam Mosura..."

"Please. Call me Mothra," She smiled at him, "Goodnight."

The golden cat left the room towards hers. Ichi just lay there, sleepless. He adjusted his hollow wings for a bit, then felt a lot more comfortable. I wonder what's in store for me here on this planet... He pondered, then shut his eyes.

Broken Friendship (Catified Godzilla Fanfic) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now