Chapter 5 - Trot And Reflect

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"You what?!" The three friends exclaimed loudly in confusion. Ichi took one paw step back and looked at the ground. "I'm sorry..."

"N-no, Ichi," Godzilla stepped forward and assured the bigger cat, "We don't blame you, we're just surprised... that's all."

"I..." Ichi stammered, "I could've hurt Sakura..."

They turned and looked at the Kamacuras trio who were sitting side-by side, Sakura — the green, flying Kamacuras — was slightly shaken while her brothers Ransu and Nikko attempted to comfort her.

"I need time alone..." Ichi murmured. "If you say so," Godzilla responded, "Come on guys... let's get back home..."


Back at the village, awaiting the group to come back were several nearby curious residents who witnessed the chase. Among them were the Kamacuras' mother, who was a white fox with pink paws. Ichi stretched out a wing and let the Kamacuras slide down it, they instantly scuffled over to their mother, who filled the air with worried chitters.

After a moment of watching the united family, Ichi trotted off in a random direction with his head down. "See you later," He heard Godzilla murmur to him. Ichi just continued on without responding, entering a currently empty road of the village.

"Hey, Ichi. Good job on finding the Kamacuras but... spare a moment?"

Ichi recognized the voice but didn't turn his head to look back. Titanosaurus fell in beside him, "Oh... bad timing?"

"Just tell me what you wanna tell me."

Titanosaurus was hesitant at first, then proclaimed: "I was there during your confrontation with Kumonga... you weren't present there, you were with me."

Hearing this immediately made Ichi stop dead in his tracks. Damnit...

"I'm onto something, aren't I?" Titanosaurus guessed. Ichi sighed and sat onto the dry ground, "Yes... congrats."

"Mind-reading?" He tilted his head at him, truly interested. "Why does it fascinate you?" Ichi gave the red cat a blank stare, then stood up and walked past him, "Everybody's unique in their own ways."

"Nothing, it's just..." Titanosaurus trailed off as he followed, "You remind me of Desghidorah."

He pricked his ears in sudden interest at the name. Desghidorah...

"The leader of the draconic cats that ambushed the village decades ago...?" Ichi guessed. "Yes," Titanosaurus murmured, "Your draconic wings, two tails, the ability to mind-read..."

"Wait... no known location of where you actually came from...?"

Ichi halted again at the sudden sternness in his voice, but hearing that last sentence, he knew what Titanosaurus was about to say next.

The red cat turned his head to him.

"...Are you one of them?"

Ichi never thought he'd see this coming, Titanosaurus was smarter than he thought. Great, now someone else knew. Ichi took a small step back from the red cat, who was giving him a suspicious glance.

"Why do you think I'm one of the draconic cats?" Ichi tried to excuse the suspicion, "I don't have more than one head."

"Well, you don't have multiple heads," Titanosaurus observed, "But it probably comes with age."

Ichi was unable to even say something in response.

"Come on," Titanosaurus encouraged him, "You can tell me. If it's a secret, I'll keep it. If you don't tell me, I can't trust you."

Ichi rested his paw on his face in dismay and looked away, throwing an infuriated yell at him. "Fine! Yes, I am!"

The sky suddenly darkened due to Ichi's spark of rage. The red cat didn't notice the sky's darkness. Titanosaurus flinched and stepped back from him, he was silent for a few moments, then apologized; "I'm sorry for pressing... I'll leave you alone if you want."

Ichi's hard gaze softened at the sympathetic cat, then nodded thoughtfully. The red cat nodded back, then turned around and headed the opposite direction. Ichi started walking again, his mind completely empty.

He was staring most of the time at the ground but knew he stepped paw into a forest due to the grassy floor beneath him. Ichi kept walking, unaware of how far he went. As he was walking, he started to think: Well... Titanosaurus knowing what I am can't be that dangerous, right? I can trust him not to say anything...

But a few seconds later, he stopped in his tracks feeling a burn on both sides of his neck. Ichi winced in pain. It soon became so severe that Ichi even dropped onto the grass, shivering. "Help!" He roared as loud as he could, fueled by the intense pain, but there was no response.

Ichi slowly and gingerly turned his head around to the path he made, then realized just how far he walked away from the village. He couldn't even see the village, it was just pure wood. There was no hope now. Ichi intensely beat one of his two spiked tails on the ground, trying to resist the burning pain. He then remembered something that Titanosaurus said;

"Well, you don't have multiple heads, but it probably comes with age."

It was then that Ichi realized, the red cat was right. He was even reminded of that in Venus, that his brothers would be born connected to him, both physically... and mentally. He was reminded of that all the time, that the process would happen someday, and that it would be painful.

Broken Friendship (Catified Godzilla Fanfic) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now