Chapter 4 - The Chase

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Gojira and his friends continued to toss the ball at one another, his sister meanwhile was with her other set of friends.

Just as Rodan was about to kick the ball towards Godzilla, something flashed under the cat and tripped him, dropping down on the grass with a yelp. "Rodan!" Godzilla scampered over to him, kicking the ball away in a random direction. Anguirus followed, pulling Rodan up to his paws.

"T-thanks..." Rodan sighed in relief, "That blew the wind out of me!"

"What the heck even was that?" Anguirus craned his head in the direction of where the golden flash disappeared. Before the three could spot anything, Godzilla felt something pass under him and nearly tripped as well. Two foxes, one black and one green were both scrambling away.

"Kamacuras?" Godzilla tilted his head in confusion.

"Watch out!"

Out of instinct, hearing that, the three immediately ducked as a large kaiju leaped over them. It was Ichi. "Sorry, guys!" The two-tailed cat panted. Rodan guessed curiously, "A chase with the Kamacuras?"

He nodded vigorously, then turned and continued running in the direction where the foxes left. "Should we help him?" Anguirus asked. "Of course!" Godzilla stared at him, "That's what friends are for!"

"Alright, what's the catch, G?" Rodan padded out of his place and sat in front of Godzilla, Anguirus then joined him. The three formed a circle.

Godzilla, remembering that the green Kamacuras had wings, immediately addressed Rodan; "Rodes, Ichi might need help with the green one, go and try to find him and maybe you two could go catch her."

Rodan nodded in agreement. "Anguirus," Godzilla called to the brown dog, instantly receiving his attention, "Go and try to catch the golden one. I'll get the black one."

"Got it, Prince G!" Anguirus saluted, then stood up. "Alright, let's go!" Godzilla sped past them, then they followed at his tail. They came across a road that split in three. They then heard Ichi's voice:

"Come on, guys! Where are you?!"

"Rodie, go in that direction!" Godzilla pointed at the right-most road where he saw Ichi disappear. Rodan immediately ran in his respective path. "Screw it, I don't know where the other two went," Godzilla admitted, "Anguirus, just go through the left-most road. Forget what I said. Whoever we find, we catch."

Anguirus nodded, then headed off in his road. The middle road lay right in front of him, the wolf sprinted in his direction and started sniffing out any nearby Kamacuras. "Come out - come out wherever you are!"

Godzilla then saw the golden flash in the corner of his eye and jerked his head in that direction, leaves were rustling in a bush where one of the fox kits had probably vanished. He assigned Anguirus to catch this one just a few minutes ago, but when they stopped at the cross-roads, he had changed his mind that whomever they'd find, they'd catch. "Gotcha..." Godzilla murmured, then pushed through the thick bush.

He ended up on a walkway. Nothing peculiar was seen on this side of the village just yet, but as Godzilla scanned his right, he saw the swift Kamacura running away. "Hey!" The young wolf began to chase him, "Get back here!"

The golden kit didn't look back, and he was so fast that Godzilla was falling behind. He saw another pathway intercepting him, and just before the golden Kamacura crossed it, the black one appeared around the corner and ran past him, then the golden fox continued running along the path.

Wait... if the black Kamacura is heading that way... that means—

Before Godzilla could finish his conclusion, he bumped straight into Anguirus, who happened to have been chasing the black fox. The two friends fell on each other with a surprised yowl, with the clumsy brown dog lying on top of Godzilla. The black wolf was strong enough and proceeded to stand up with Anguirus still hanging on his back, the dog then slid himself off.

"You alright, buddy?" Godzilla tried to steady his friend upright as Anguirus seemed to wobble around in dizziness. Seeing this, the young wolf cringed a bit. "I'm... aye-okay...!" Anguirus shook his head a little, seemingly trying to rid of the dizziness.

"Easy, Riz! That'll only make it worse!" Godzilla sat the brown dog down, "Jesus, those Kamacuras are pesky..."

"L-let's continue..." As Anguirus' dizziness began to wear off, his voice slowly began to steady, "...chasing them..."

"Are you sure?" Godzilla asked, clearly concerned about his best friend. Anguirus nodded, then slowly stood. "I... feel fine now..." He shook his head a bit more, now looking more focused than ever, "Let's go! They went that way!"

Anguirus and Godzilla headed side-by-side to the direction where the two Kamacuras disappeared. As they ran, they saw them running up ahead. "There!" Godzilla yelled. This only seemed to alert the foxes and make them run even faster. The black wolf cursed, "Damnit..."

The two friends looked up and saw gray clouds starting to cover the sky. "We gotta hurry!" Anguirus pressed, "It's going to rain!"

The Kamacuras were still in front of them. Godzilla was sure that Rodan already found Ichi and was looking for the flying green Kamacuras alongside him. They saw a place clear of trees ahead of them, the foxes made it there first, and both were about to split ways.

"Hurry! Before we lose them!" Godzilla urged, his stride widening so that he ran faster. They finally made it to the clear field. At this point, the companions were starting to pant and plead for oxygen, but they couldn't stop to rest or else they'd lose the pair of Kamacuras.

"Go for the black one!" Godzilla directed Anguirus to the black Kamacuras, running towards the left path. The brown dog immediately lunged after him, and Godzilla ran the other direction, chasing the golden fox.

"Get back here, you!" The black wolf clenched his teeth in annoyance. He could hear the golden Kamacuras panting as if it was getting tired of running. Godzilla took advantage of this, and leaped, bringing the small fox kit down. The male fox tried to scramble loose, but Godzilla's paw alone was too heavy to let him go. Godzilla was so tired, he buried his muzzle in the grass and panted before snatching up the golden fox in his jaws, who chittered in protest.

The black wolf met up with Anguirus, who held the black Kamacura his jaws too. They didn't say anything at first, taking a moment to breathe in the air that was forced out of them during the chase. "God, you guys are a pawful..." Anguirus mumbled.

They then heard yells from above. Godzilla looked up to see Rodan and Ichi trying to chase the third Kamacuras. "Come on, Sakura!" Ichi yelled in annoyance at the green fox. Coincidentally, the gray clouds began to weep, sending heavy rain down on earth.

"W-Woah... Woah!" The green Kamacura stopped mid-air but suddenly looked like she was struggling to stay up. "Her wings!" Godzilla yelled up, dropping the golden Kamacuras, "It's getting too damp for her to fly! Catch her, Rodan!"

The red cat nodded down to him, then darted to the green Kamacura's aid. The golden Kamacura sat humbly between Godzilla's paws, probably too distracted by worry for his sister to break into a run. Rodan grasped onto the green fox's scruff right when she was about to lose balance and fall, her brothers broke into a loud and long sigh of relief.

Rodan and Ichi flew down to meet them, and the rain had suddenly stopped. "That's weird..." Anguirus put the black Kamacuras down on the grass, "The rainfall was so short..."

"Ransu! Nikko!" The green Kamacuras yelped to her brothers as Rodan dropped her onto the grass, the other two Kamacuras scampered towards their sister. Ichi panted, "I'm so sorry for the trouble, guys!"

"It's fine, Ichi," Godzilla smiled generously, "It's what friends are for."

Ichi smiled back gratefully at Godzilla but then turned to the green Kamacuras. "Sakura?"

The green Kamacura turned her head to the grey-brown cat.

"I'm sorry about the rain..."

"Wait... the rain?" Rodan shot Ichi a bewildered look. "What do you mean, Ichi?" Godzilla asked. The black wolf, alongside Anguirus, shared Rodan's confusion. The lined-up Kamacuras trio tilted their heads at Ichi.

"I..." Ichi murmured, "I think... I think I caused the rain..."

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