Chapter 8 - A Visit Of Eight Million

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(OH MY GOD, I finished this but I forgot to publish XD I finished it while my internet was off so I didn't get to publish after)

It had been a few days since the first search, and Ichi still wasn't found. Godzilla paced back and forth near the staircase to his den worriedly. When someone was missing, it didn't take any longer than a day to find them, but knowing that Ichi breached the record, Godzilla was distraught, imagining that something worse happened to his friend.

"Gojira, where's your sister?" His father called from the entrance of the den, at the peak of the staircase. Godzilla was watching the sunset, then called back: "I don't know, father. Biollante might be with Manda and Quetzalcoatl."

"It's getting late, she needs to be back soon."

Godzilla sighed. "I'll find her, dad..."

"Thank you, son."

Half of Godzilla's mind was on his friend, half on his sister. He walked off to go and find Biollante, whom he thought was with the sisters. The sky got darker and darker until the stars were revealed. Godzilla was still out in the streets with almost everyone now asleep. Godzilla felt he was almost at the sisters' den, until he passed by the road... the road Ichi disappeared in.

Godzilla stopped, silently looking into the deep darkness of the isle. You'll be found someday, Ichi...

He took one last long look at the street, then continued forward. Godzilla mindlessly stared at the ground, and a minute later, another thought came in mind. He just couldn't take his mind off how long Ichi had been gone. Without a second thought, he halted, turning around and running back to the road.


Godzilla stood at the end of the street, glancing into the bushes.

I know Rodan already checked here, but I gotta see for myself...

He looked around to check if anybody was watching, then walked forward, moving aside the branches and leaves with one paw. Godzilla couldn't see anything, but that didn't stop him. He broke off a twig from the bush and blew a small bit of his blue Atomic Breath onto it, sparking it aflame. Godzilla raised the torch around as he stepped past the bushes, then, he directed it towards the ground.

...Trampled grass?

He raised the torch farther, and realized that the trodden grass formed a trail. Intrigued by what he discovered, he began following it cautiously. Godzilla wasn't completely fooled though, he knew there was a chance that it wasn't Ichi that made this. He still followed it, but was on high alert, his ears pricking intently.

Midway, a sound made him stop. It was like... a faint little cry. Godzilla clutched the torch in his jaws harder, his fur bristled as his muscles tensed. "Hello?" He called out, slightly muffled by the stick in his jaws. There was no response in return, this creature was trying to hide from him. "I know you're there!" Godzilla roared threateningly, drawing his torch out from his jaws, "Come out!"

There was silence.

Suddenly, a hard object crashed into his side, sending a deep streak of pain through him. Godzilla stumbled for a bit. He was as hurt as he was taken by surprise. Godzilla looked around in alarm, being careful not to drop his torch. Suddenly, he saw small bird-shaped objects pass over the shade of the trees, and more projectiles descended onto him. Godzilla rolled aside before the projectiles could crash onto him. As he stood up, he suddenly saw small creatures on the ground coming out and surrounding him. Godzilla raised his torch around in fright, the flames lighting up the faces of the creatures, what were they?! He had never seen these things before!

Broken Friendship (Catified Godzilla Fanfic) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now