Chapter 6 - The Search

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Meanwhile, after the chase on the Kamacuras, the three friends went home. As he was walking, Godzilla thought about Ichi and the sudden changes he's undergoing. Was something wrong with him?

"Welcome back, brother!" Biollante chased him, "Where's Ichi? I didn't see him with you guys."

"He left not long after bringing back the Kamacuras. Wants to be alone," Godzilla mumbled as Biollante fell in beside him. "Oh," She briefly responded, "Why?"

"He, uh..." Godzilla still mumbled as he searched for words, "Was there a storm here that started and then just stopped a second later?"

"Specific... too specific!" Biollante looked at him in surprise, "Yes! Was that storm on top of you too?"

"Yup," Godzilla confirmed, "And, uh... you remember him being able to mind-read?"

"Yeah," She murmured. "Why?"

"And did you hear about him almost hitting Kumonga with some sort of electric beam?"

Biollante nodded, "Heard from Manda."

"Then," Godzilla inhaled momentarily, "You gotta believe me when I say, Ichi caused the rain."

He expected Biollante to have predicted what he was about to say, but her jaw just hung open, signifying that she clearly didn't see that statement coming. "What?!" Biollante burst. "No. Way. In. Hell. On. The. Entire. Island!"

"Yes-way," Godzilla gave her a stiff stare. "I don't mean to be rude, but..." Biollante looked down on the ground, "What do you think is he...?"

Godzilla looked away from her as well, sinking into the question. Honestly, it truly was a rude question, but he couldn't blame her for wondering. "I don't know," He admitted, "I would ask, but he wants to be alone."

"Then... we find out ourselves?" Biollante suggested.

"Biollante, I don't know how I feel about assuming--..."

"Well..." The green cat began, "I heard he was just found on the beach..."


"Wait... he never told us where he came from?"


"He's the only one in the village who could mind-read?"


"His wings, his powers, doesn't he remind you of Des--?"


They both stopped walking as Godzilla stared at her, dead in the eye

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They both stopped walking as Godzilla stared at her, dead in the eye. "...Sorry," She whispered with her ears pinned back, her tail rose in fright at his tone. The two flytraps on the back of her neck hissed at Godzilla, he could understand that it was just them trying to protect Biollante. Godzilla bent his head and sighed, "It's fine... I'm sorry too. I mean, Ichi's already having a bad time, I don't wanna talk about him behind his back. Let alone, about..."

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