Chapter 7 - Stranded

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Ichi lay his head on the grass. The burning pain was slowly retreating to a simple sting, he winced it off. For some reason, he couldn't carry his own body, as if something was weighing it down. As soon as the sting finally resided, Ichi lifted his head to see that indeed... two other heads had grown on either side of his neck.

Ichi was pretty calm for someone who had just grown not one, but two heads. He expected this to happen his whole life. As he looked down on his newborn brothers, he saw that both of them were fast asleep. Best not wake them or they wouldn't have the energy to survive, but that led to the one threatening problem right now:

They were stuck.... in the middle of nowhere.

Ichi sighed in frustration, flapping his wings a bit and adjusting them. He lay his head back down in between his unnamed brothers, best to rest from enduring all that pain just to give birth to them.


It had been a while. Ichi blinked awake and lifted his head, his brothers still hadn't stirred. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't wake them due to the fact that they needed to reduce energy. Now Ichi was hungry, he scanned the forest floor to the leafy ceiling. He found a couple of berries growing on a branch above him, but he couldn't reach it. Ichi grumbled again. But, as if he were asking nicely, a small twig dropped on top of his head and bounced off.

Ichi shook his head in confusion as he tried to process what just happened. Then, he saw the twig in front of him. It grew the same berries on it. Ichi smiled thankfully and dragged the branch closer, picking the berries from it. He and his brothers now shared the same stomach so this was good for them as well.

Ichi dropped the twig as he finished all the berries on it. He looked at his brothers and wondered, how long would it be until they wake up?

Ichi sighed and shook his head. He turned and looked at the long path he made all the way here. If only he hadn't walked so far away.


(Someone's POV)
The cat walked around the village, not looking to do anything in general. She suddenly saw several kaiju looking around as if they were looking for one single thing. This confused her, one of the searching kaiju happened to be Gorosaurus. She approached the grey dog and asked, "Hi, Gorosaurus... err... what's going on?"

"Ah, Biollante!" The grey dog turned to her. "What's everyone looking for?" Biollante asked curiously. "Caesar spread out word that your friend Ichi's missing," Gorosaurus replied. "He is?!" Biollante gasped, "Gosh, of course..."

"Don't you worry, youngster!" Gorosaurus assured her, "We'll find him."

"I sure hope so..." Biollante murmured worriedly, walking away to let Gorosaurus continue searching. She decided to take matters into her own paws and look for Ichi as well. As she was walking, Biollante saw Rodan peering into a window and conversing with another kaiju. He must've known Ichi was missing as well because he looked like he was questioning them. As soon as it looked like he was given a "no", he sighed and walked off.

"Rodan!" Biollante caught up to him. "Bio?" Rodan turned to her in surprise. "Hi, I heard Ichi was missing!" Biollante proclaimed worriedly. "He is," Rodan sighed. "You haven't checked the road where he disappeared?" The green cat reminded him. "Biollante, of course I did..." Rodan grumbled in frustration, "But I still couldn't find him."

"I'll go and double-check," Biollante offered. "Are you sure?" Rodan asked uncertainly, "Trust me, you won't find much there."

"Bet I can," Biollante sassily challenged. Rodan chuckled, "...Oh, and your brother's looking for you."

Biollante stopped in her tracks at the mention of Godzilla. "He is?"

"Yeah," Rodan mumbled. That was all he said, then he flew off. Biollante turned around and saw the start of the road where Ichi had left.

Should I find him?

She continued looking at the deserted road, then made up her mind.

Godzilla can wait.

Biollante scurried over to the somehow deserted pathway. She walked through it, realizing that some of the residents there were either out or sleeping. Biollante had finally reached the end of the path, there was nothing but a line of bushes and a border of trees.

She then swept aside a bush, Biollante didn't notice much, but the longer she looked... the more she noticed a trail of trampled grass.

'Trust me, you won't find much there', he said! She sarcastically thought.

Biollante frowned at Rodan's ignorance of this secret trodden path, but smiled as soon as she realized she was onto something. Biollante walked through the bush and followed the trampled trail, the two flytraps on her neck sniffing curiously. "Keep a look-out, guys," She ordered her flytraps, "We don't know what's out here..."

The trail kept going on and on, Biollante was growing exhausted. Jeez, how long has he been walking? No wonder why he couldn't make it back...


Ichi lay his head boredly on the grass, unable to do anything but nap or watch his brothers, who still haven't woken up. Ichi sighed again. He thought about how worried his friends might be, especially Madam Mosura, whom he lived with and helped numerous times.

Ichi heard footsteps approaching. Oh, lord. This was bad. The worst thing already was that he couldn't stand up due to the weight of his brothers, so they were defenseless and vulnerable. Ichi reluctantly turned around and found a little cat heading in his direction. Ichi was more surprised than relieved to see Biollante obliviously walking towards him with her head down. As soon as she noticed what was ahead, she gasped and broke into a run towards him. "Ichi!"

"Biollante!" Ichi smiled thankfully, sighing in utter relief. "Wh..." She mumbled in shock, "What happened to you?"

"It's..." Ichi murmured, looking at his sleeping brothers, "It's complicated..."

"Actually..." Biollante tilted her head, "I think I understand... you're one of the Venusians, are you?"

Ichi sighed again. The last thing he wanted was for another Kaiju to realize what he really was. I guess I'd rather have that other than being stranded here alone... Ichi thought. "Yes..." He mumbled in reply. "Oh..." Biollante sat. "Err... you haven't tried waking them up?"

"No," Ichi replied, "I would, but they need their rest and energy before they open their eyes."

"Errr... this is bad..." Biollante murmured worriedly, then, she stood up, "I'll go get help! I'll be ba--"

"Wait, no!" Ichi frantically cut her off before she could go. "Why?!" Biollante shot him a confused look. "I..." Ichi looked at the ground, "I don't want anyone else to know I'm a Venusian..."

Biollante stood there, looking at him understandingly and sympathetically. She sighed, "Everyone's worried and looking for you, Ichi... but... alright..."

Ichi felt taken aback when he heard that his friends really were searching for him. "I'm sorry about this... but it's for the safety for my brothers..."

Biollante nodded slowly as she looked at the other two heads. "Say... I'll stay with you, Ichi!"

"Really?" Ichi shot her a bright look. "But... what if everyone starts worrying about you too?"

"I'll come back to them later from time to time," She explained, "But I'll visit frequently until your brothers wake up."

Ichi smiled gratefully. "Thanks."

"Anything, Ichi!" Biollante smiled back. "Say... when do they wake up?"

Ichi looked down on the two heads. "Errr... I have no idea, actually..."

Broken Friendship (Catified Godzilla Fanfic) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now