Chapter 2 - A New Rival

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Ichi and the youngsters talked for a bit more, breaking up not long after. The tall cat decided to explore the place a bit more. He had to admit, he never had time to acknowledge how beautiful the village actually was...

"Hey, new guy," A calm voice called to him as he walked. Ichi was taken by surprise, having never really expected being addressed off-guard for a good amount of time. He looked at a red cat leaning against a den wall, he nodded to the opposite wall of another den, motioning Ichi to sit and have a chat with him.

"Umm... hi?" Ichi murmured awkwardly. "Hi," The red cat tilted his head as he spoke calmly, clearly not acknowledging the awkwardness. "Wanna be friends?"

Ichi, without even having to mind-scan the cat, felt assured after a few seconds. "Sure."

"I'm Titanosaurus," He introduced himself, still wearing the calm and passive tone, "They sometimes call me Titano. How 'bout you?"

"Ichi," The gray-brown cat replied, giving a wide and calm smile to Titanosaurus. Somehow... it was so hard not to finish his sentences without revealing the secret of his power. Titano was a red cat with yellow-fins on his back and the end of his tail, he was clearly a water titan and was bigger than Ichi. Ichi knew that Titano was also far older than him.

"Nice name," He complimented. Ichi then tensed a bit, he just somehow felt uncomfortable by the wavy and peaceful tone of his voice. Gladly, Titanosaurus can't tell, right?

"Thanks," Ichi murmured, shaking away the weird thought. "You good?" Titano tilted his head curiously, sensing Ichi's discomfort. Ichi nodded, then stood up. "I better get going on my way to Madam Mosura — I mean, Mothra. She'll need help with some stuff."

Titanosaurus nodded understandingly, "Alright. See you another time, Ichi."

Ichi meowed his goodbye, then left the gap between the dens, also aware of Titano watching him go. He couldn't even tell if it was him acting weird or Titanosaurus. He also decided not to use his psychic powers to make sure, he just relied too much on it these days, and he learned from Mosura herself that invading someone's personal space — including thoughts — was disrespectful.

Ichi halted at the sound of a bunch of yelling...

"Hm?" He turned his head to two cats arguing in the distance. Ichi realized that one of them was Rodan, fighting with a black brown-striped cat. He raced over to the two, then yelled, "Hey, what's all this racket about?!"

"He hit me in the head with a ball!" Rodan hissed. "I did not!" The brown-striped cat yelled back. The two hissed in each other's faces, Ichi sighed and rammed in between them to break them apart.

Rodan ignored Ichi and continued to rant, "Don't you lie, Kumonga!"

Ichi cringed a bit at their fight as they continued yelling at one another, stepping back a bit to give them space. It caught the attention of some other residents, but none of them tried to stop them. Ichi sighed again, it was time to settle things down once and for all.

Ichi closed his eyes, searching the mind of the so-called Kumonga. He then had a vision, it was someone else's point of view. The cat's vision laid eyes on one thing, Rodan. The vision looked down and found a ball in his paws.

Oh god...

Ichi watched from Kumonga's perspective as he threw the ball at the back of Rodan's head, giggling, to which was reacted to by a yowl. He opened his eyes. Kumonga and Rodan were still arguing.

"Kumonga did throw the ball," Ichi murmured. Rodan turned his head to him, and knowing that Ichi could mind-read, trusted him immediately. "Hah, I told you!" Rodan retorted at Kumonga, who gave a disgusted snarl. He crossed his brown-banded arms and looked at Ichi, "And how do you know?"

Ichi cleared his throat, and lied, although speaking very confidently. "I was present there. Now, stop arguing with Rodan, and apologize to him."

Kumonga narrowed his eyes, looking Ichi in the eyes. "You're that new guy I've heard about," He proclaimed, "Am I right?"

"Of course," Ichi raised his chin, narrowing his eyes. "Well, new guy," Kumonga hissed intimidatingly, "You don't tell me what to do."

Ichi bared his fangs at Kumonga, his ears flattened and the fur on the back of his neck rose. "That's no way to talk to an older titan," Ichi muttered coldly, but truthfully, those were the words of Mosura herself. But Ichi's next words were not inherited by her...

"So," He began to unsheathe his claws as they dug into the soil, making a loud sliding noise that startled the brown-striped cat. "Take my word when I say..."

Rodan, the nearby kaiju, and even Kumonga watched in horror as Ichi's neck glowed bright gold. He felt the energy build up in his throat as he coldly snarled, "Leave. My. Friends. ALONE!"

A golden beam shot out of his mouth, only just passing above Kumonga as it hit a nearby tree, completely knocking it down. A silence of shock lingered in the air. Kumonga breathed heavily, now clearly terrified of Ichi, he then ran swiftly in a random direction.

Rodan was quiet for a few more moments, then raised his voice in amusement. "Dude, how many things can you do that none of us even know yet?!"

Ichi panted, somehow also shocked from his sudden and new move. "I don't know, Rodan..." Ichi's face slowly formed a smile, then he shook his head.

"I don't know..."

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