Chapter 1 - A Mysterious Friend

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Young Gojira woke and yawned, then left the den. He saw that a few other villagers of Monster Island had woken before him. The short pup walked around, greeting everyone he saw.

"Morning, brother!" A green, fluffy cat with a few tufts of pink fell in equal pace with him, wearing a rose on her head like she usually did. "Morning, Biollante," Godzilla greeted back plainly, he wasn't trying to be rude, he just wasn't one to talk to her despite being her older brother. "Whaddya wanna do today?" She asked, Gojira simply just shrugged.

Then the two littermates passed through an emptier area, which chilled them both. Chilled them enough that they flinched when they saw a tall cat sitting in the distance. He looked teenage and was also a dark grey-brown with wide wings and two tails. Godzilla sighed in relief, then asked Biollante, "Who's that?"

"Oh," She turned to the lone cat, "That's Ichi. He's new to the island, and... nobody knows where he came from."

"Let's go say hi!" Gojira rushed off towards the tom. The pretty cat chased him, "Wait up!"

"Hi, there!" Godzilla skidded to a halt beside him, the grey-brown tom turned his head to him. "Morning, future king."

"How'd ya know that?" He asked. Biollante arrived a bit later. "Oh," He shrugged, "I'm a newcomer but that doesn't mean I don't know this island, I've also met your father."


"Ichi, was it?" Biollante asked. The tom nodded. "What's your name, Rosie?"

"It's not Rosie, first of all," Biollante laughed, looking up at her rose, "Biollante."

"Wanna be friends with us?" Gojira asked eagerly. Ichi chuckled, "Why not?"

"Woo-hoo!" Biollante and Godzilla yelled out at once. "Woah-ho, quiet down!" Ichi laughed, the two joined in after. "Wanna go have a walk in the village?" Godzilla asked, the tall cat nodded, "Sure, I need to be around kaiju more."

The three set off back towards the direction of the village. They were silent for a few minutes until Godzilla heard a gasp from Biollante. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"My rose!" Biollante wore a panicky expression. "Calm down," Ichi sighed, "We can always get another one."

"But Manda gave it to me..." Biollante looked at the ground. "It must've been blown off by the wind..."

"Or, it could be that tiny cat flying up there," Ichi said plainly, looking up. Godzilla and Biollante looked up as well, and unlike Ichi, recognized that flying figure. "Rodan!" Biollante shouted angrily, "Not funny!"

The red cat laughed and landed down beside her, dropping her rose on the ground. Biollante picked it up and lined it back on the side of her head, then sighed, "Thank you."

Then Rodan took off, still laughing cockily. "Get back here you little..." Godzilla trailed off as he chased the small cat, "...thing that drives everyone nuts!"

Ichi and Biollante laughed as they watched Gojira chase Rodan. The bigger of the two pounced on the small cat, sending him down on his belly with a roll and a yelp. "GOJI, you know well how heavy you are!..." Rodan coughed.

"You asked for it, you hay-wire kitty," Godzilla laughed, lifting his paw from Rodan's back. The small red tom scrambled to his paws, still a bit shaky, then looked at Ichi, "H-hi there!"

"Hi," The tall gray-brown cat replied, "I'm Ichi. Rodan, was it?"


"Maybe we could go introduce you to Anguirus?" Biollante suggested. Ichi shrugged, "I'm open to meeting new friends."

"Awesome!" Godzilla scampered off, "I'll go get him!"


"Anguirus?..." Godzilla padded into the dark den, "Brother from another mother?"

"Code: Correct. Access granted!"

"Dude, since when did we have a code?..." Godzilla face-palmed as Anguirus bounded out of the den's darkness. "Dunno," the brown dog shrugged, "Just thought it was cool."

"Anyway, six o'clock, new guy. Let's go." Godzilla explained briefly, Anguirus suddenly jumped, looking behind him. Godzilla just looked at him, confused. The brown dog then looked back, "Dude, you scared me! 'Six o'clock' means 'Behind you'!"

"Oh — sorry," Godzilla looked at him, chuckling a bit, "My six o'clock, come on!"


The two young kaiju met with the other three. "Anguirus, this is Ichi," Godzilla introduced the brown dog to the tall cat, who gave him a wave of one of his two tails. "Damn, you look cool!" Anguirus wagged his tail, running around Ichi, to which he was returned with an uncomfortable look.

"Riz..." Godzilla groaned, "Don't make him uneasy..."

Anguirus skidded to a halt, his tail still wagging swiftly, "Sorry! Just can't help how cool you look!"

Ichi shrugged, "Thanks."

The four talked for a bit, taking them a few moments to realize that Rodan was frozen in his place. Godzilla nudged the black cat a few times, then he finally snapped out. "Third time's a charm," Godzilla murmured, Rodan just rolled his eyes. The wolf asked, "What was that, anyway?"

"His crush, probably," Biollante guessed. Rodan whipped around in surprise, "What?! N-no!"

Godzilla turned to the direction of where Rodan was looking, he saw two cats sitting on a rock; it was Quetzalcoatl and her sister, Manda. "Which one?" He asked teasingly. Rodan grumbled, then whispered faintly; "No-one..."

"Come on!" Anguirus patted Rodan's back assuringly, holding a smug expression on his face. "We won't judge!"

"Anyone wanna place their bets on Manda?" Godzilla snickered. Biollante shrugged, then agreed; "She's a logical choice."

"I agree," Anguirus joined in. "How about you, Ichi?" Godzilla asked the tall cat eagerly. He tilted his head, pondering. Then Ichi finally meowed, "Quetz."

Godzilla was surprised to hear a different answer but shrugged it off. "Hah!" Rodan burst, "Ichi's right; I like Quetzalcoatl."

"Huh?!" The three exclaimed. "How did you know that, Ichi?" Anguirus asked. Ichi stayed quiet for a few seconds, then nodded to Godzilla; "Think of a number in your head, prince."

"Okay..." Godzilla murmured uncertainly, "What number am I--"

"Two," Ichi answered before Godzilla could finish. Godzilla, Biollante, Anguirus -- even Rodan, looked surprised, staring at Ichi in silent shock. "You can mind-read?!" Anguirus exclaimed, every word ringing louder in excitement.

"SHHH!" Ichi hissed. Anguirus dropped his voice to a murmur, "Oh... it's a secret?"

Ichi nodded.

Godzilla hadn't known him for more than a day, but he could already tell that Ichi was going to be a great addition to the friend group.

Broken Friendship (Catified Godzilla Fanfic) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now