Chapter 3 - Monster Island's Past

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"Woah, that was so cool!"

Gojira and Anguirus were there to witness Ichi's twist, running over to the grey-brown tom. "Hey, calm down, guys!" Ichi chuckled. Rodan scampered after them later on, complimenting Ichi on his new power as well. They had a conversation for a few minutes.

"Oh -- crap!" Ichi cursed, "I forgot about Mothra! Sorry, guys. I need to go check on her."

"Nothing's wrong with that, buddy!" Godzilla assured the older titan, "Go on!"

"Thanks, cya!" Ichi sped off towards Mosura's home. Godzilla, Anguirus, and Rodan continued on with their conversation. Then, a red cat walked in to join them. "Hi, you three," He greeted, "Have you seen a grey-brown dragon cat named Ichi?"

"Funny, we're friends with him," Anguirus told him, "He's on his way to Mothra's den. What do you need from him?"

The red cat shrugged, "Right, I forgot about that. Anyway, have a good day! Especially you, Prince Gojira."

"Thank you, good sir," Godzilla smiled. The red tomcat nodded politely, then ran the other way. "Isn't that..." Rodan whispered, "Quetzalcoatl and Manda's older brother... Titanosaurus?"

Godzilla snickered, "I think it is!"

Rodan whinged uncomfortably, it probably would be mean to tease him about his crush. "Sorry, buddy..." Godzilla apologized sympathetically, pulling the small cat into a hug, to which he responded to with a surprised yelp. Anguirus, seeing that Rodan was uncomfortable enough, didn't join in like he usually did, and when he did hug someone, turned them into a victim of suffocation.

"Speaking of Titano," Anguirus murmured, his expression suddenly turning dark, "What business does he have with Ichi?"

Godzilla and Rodan shrugged.

"It's weird, realizing that he didn't tell us," Godzilla added in suspicion. The others nodded in agreement. "Hey, let's quit the weird talk," Rodan suggested, "Wanna go play ball?"

They clamored in agreement, then ran to the field where Ichi blasted down a tree. Godzilla picked up a ball and kicked it towards Anguirus, and the game was on.


"Madam Mos-- I mean, Madam Mothra!"

Ichi, realizing that his trip to the older cat was delayed due to him stopping to stand up for Rodan, hurried to the den anxiously. "Madam Mothra! Madam Mothra!" He skidded to a rough halt as soon as he entered, panting, "I am so sorry...!"

The golden cat approached him from another linked room, holding a black, red-spiked fox in one arm. "Oh... h-hello Ichi!"

"I'm so sorry that I came in late!" Ichi continued over to her. Mosura handed the fox kit to Ichi, then assured him, "Oh, no, i-it's perfectly fine! In fact, you actually... came in..."

She panted a bit, signifying exhaustion. " the perfect timing!"

Ichi took the small black fox into his own arm, he peeked past her and saw two other fox kits scrambling and clamoring over one another. They looked like the one Ichi held right now, except in different colors. But the black fox managed to break free of Ichi's grasp and scampered over to the fellow foxes.

Ichi wasn't mad at all at the young fox, instead, giving a good-natured laugh. "Trying to baby-sit Kamacuras?"

Mosura laughed as well, slowed with a long sigh. She nodded, probably too tired to talk. "I'll handle this," Ichi offered, "Go get yourself some sleep."

Mosura smiled proudly up at him, then hugged him. Ichi returned the embrace for a brief moment, then the small golden cat let him go. "You were only just a quiet young cat a week ago," Mosura beamed at him, "And look at you now, promising great futures for everyone, including yourself."

Ichi smiled thoughtfully at her. "Thanks..."

She smiled back, then padded towards her nest to nap. Ichi walked over to the play area with the three scrambled Kamacuras, who immediately froze in their position and looked at him.

"Go on," Ichi shrugged, he just had to watch them. "Don't break anything, though!"

They all smiled, hints of excitement and mischief hung on their faces. Ichi just chuckled as they continued playing. He made his way to another side of the room, lying down with his head resting on his paws as he watched the three. One was black -- the fox he held earlier -- another was green, and another was gold. All of them had golden eyes, and the green fox was the only one with wings.

They reminded Ichi of his new friends. Ichi began to sink deep in thought about them, remembering the time he spent with them. He then began to remember a tale that Mosura had told him one night.

She told him of many demons, all with multiple heads, ambushing the village a couple of decades ago. Many lives were taken from both clans as Monster Island struck back. Mosura proclaimed that even she was there to fight the war. After King Dagon -- Godzilla's father -- slew the enemy leader, the draconic, multi-headed cats retreated, and peace overcame the land once again.

It chilled Ichi -- because he was told the exact same story once before, on his homeland: Venus. Mosura did know about this; but little did everyone else know, Ichi was a descendant of those demons.

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