Chapter 9 - Evacuation

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(Previously in Broken Friendship:)
...Their surroundings were lit on fire, dens were destroyed, explosions were made, neighbouring Kaiju screamed and scattered. What had happened to the once peaceful village?


Godzilla frantically ran around, searching for his friends and his sister while yelling over the chaotic noise. "ANGUIRUS! RODAN! BIOLLANTE?!"

He heard coughing nearby, and rushed over to the sound to help whoever made it. The pup made it to a Kaiju stuck under a mound of debris -- Caesar. Godzilla pushed it off and helped up the senior dog, who coughed again. "Thank you, Gojira!"

"I'm so sorry, Caesar! I'm sorry!" Godzilla sobbed, "I led them here! I should've ran the other--!"

"--Find your friends first, then you can explain!" Caesar placed his paws on Godzilla's shoulders. "We need your courage at this time, Prince Gojira! I will send out other Kaiju to gather everyone for an evacuation at the beach! Now, go!"

The strength and encouragement in Caesar's voice made Godzilla more determined and serious. The two nodded to each other, then split up. Godzilla rushed to the place where he thought his nearest friend was. A tall structure stood in the distance as Godzilla approached it, a few panicking Kaiju fleeing past him.

He finally made it to the tower's base, there was no staircase, Kaiju would need to climb or most likely fly to the top to enter it. "Rodan!" He called up. "Are you up there?!"

There was no reply.

Now Godzilla was panicking again. Where was his cat friend?


He flinched and turned around to see a faint figure in the night sky, it was Rodan! He wouldn't be seeing him clearly if it weren't for the glowing magma dripping from his wings. Godzilla heard another blast and saw a projectile flying towards Rodan.


Rodan flinched and turned to see the flying object dashing towards him, but it was too late, it hit Rodan in the shoulder and knocked him out of the sky. Worry and tension shot through Godzilla as he broke into a run towards Rodan. He made it to the spot where the cat fell and found him lying on the ground, coughing. Godzilla dashed to his side and helped him up, letting Rodan lean on his side. "Are you okay?"

Rodan coughed again. "I'm... I'm fine! We need to find Biollante and Anguirus... and..."

"...Ichi." They both murmured.

They both scampered off together. The two then heard a crash coming from a road beside them, they looked to see the roof of a den collapsing onto a blue she-cat. The rocks sealing away her screams...

"That's..." Rodan mumbled, breathless, "That was Manda!"

Godzilla gasped. They rushed towards the sisters' den, the sound of crying and yelling growing louder and louder.


"Quetzalcoatl, I'm sorry! But we need to go!"

The friends saw Quetzacoatl with a wet and distraught face as Titanosaurus rushed her out of their den. "Quetz! Titano!" Godzilla called to the siblings. They turned their heads and saw him and Rodan, but before the four could unite, another projectile crashed between Quetzalcoatl and Titanosaurus, blasting them apart as they yelped in surprise. Rodan yelled, "Quetzalcoatl!"

Broken Friendship (Catified Godzilla Fanfic) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now