5 • A - Cruise Exam Arc

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[I don't know what to call the Arcs... help...me...] - Kyoro Keikēko (Kyoro's my nickname, Himora is my last name.)

'Three days on this boring ship and in this boring infirmary...' Kyoro said with a tired glare into space. 'For a cruise with supposedly everything, this is the most bland vacation ever.' Kyoro said before pulling out his phone.

"Man... that bastard that caused the whole case is after me... Can't be helped..." Kyoro mumbled before Hirata entered the room. "I knew you'd still be here. Weren't you discharged the second day?" He asked. "Maybe. This is my hideout. Horikita can't hurt me here, if she does it's a hate crime." Kyoro said with a smirk. "Well, that and there's nothing to do." Kyoro added with a huff. "That's not true. You have Sudō-kun, the guys, me, Horikita-san, Kushida-san, and I've been seeing you get close with Sakura-san, too." Hirata said making Kyoro smile. "You're a solid guy, Keiko-kun. I think with the right mindset and opportunity, you could have a lot of friends." Hirata added.

'Tch. Yeah, right. If I had the choice, I'd be a NEET.' Kyoro thought with an eye roll. "I'm planning to meet up with Karuizawa-san and the others at 12:30 to have lunch. Do you want to come with? I think it'll be really fun." Hirata offered. "Karuizawa and the others?" Kyoro asked. "Yeah. There are about three other girls. Want to come?" Hirata asked. Kyoro gained a thoughtful expression but sighed. "I'll have to pass. I don't think I'm on good terms with her group." Kyoro said with a sad smile. 'They'd be pretty weirded out if I went.'

"I can understand that you're feeling hesitant. That's exactly why I want you to rely on me." Hirata said. "You only have 10 minutes before you have to meet with them. It'd be better if you leave me here." Kyoro said shaking his head. "There's no need to hurry. Besides, I like spending time with you." Hirata responded. "Well, how about just the two of us have lunch together, you and me? Would that be okay?" Hirata asked. 'The hell? Is... he making a move on me?!' Kyoro thought in confusion. "That's not a problem with me, but didn't you already promise Karuizawa?" Kyoro asked. "I can eat with Karuizawa-san and the others any time, but I haven't really had many opportunities to eat with you, Keiko-kun." Hirata replied. 'It's Keikēk—... never mind. He'll never get it right.' Kyoro thought in annoyance. "I'd feel bad if she blamed you later." Kyoro added. "Don't worry. I don't think Karuizawa-san's the kind of girl to hold a grudge." Hirata said.

'What?! Yes, she is! She most definitely is!' Kyoro said squinting his eyes. "Okay. I'll turn Karuizawa-San down for today." Hirata stated. "W-Wait! You shouldn't—" "Is there anything you'd like to eat?" Hirata interrupted. "Literally anything." Kyoro answered with a sigh as Hirata called Karuizawa. He watched as Hirata bluntly said he was canceling before hanging up abruptly. "Well... can't fake being crippled anymore." Kyoro said standing up. "Where to?" He asked.

"How about the deck? I'm in the mood for a light meal, eating their should be best." Hirata responded. The two began walking down the hall. "Thank you for helping on the deserted island. I'm sorry I didn't thank you enough for helping find the culprit, Keiko-kun." Hirata began. "No need to apologize. I didn't really do much. Horikita found the underwear thief." Kyoro said. "Even so, I'm grateful to you for helping." Hirata insisted. "Did Karuizawa get her underwear back?" Kyoro asked. "Yeah. When she heard Ibuki-san was the culprit, things went smoothly." Hirata answered.

'Man, it's good the stuff on this boat don't cost points...' Kyoro thought as they reached the top deck and entered the restaurant. The two sat down in the almost full establishment and Kyoro began to smile until: "Honestly, there's something I want your advice on." Hirata said in an apologetic way. 'Damn it... I should've known.' Kyoro thought with annoyance. "Advice?" Kyoro questioned with a sigh of irritation. "I wondered if you would act as a bridge to help me reach Horikita-san. After all, Class D will have to come together and work hard in the future, and I think Horikita-san will be indispensable." Hirata requested. 'Jeez, guys are all over her.' Kyoro thought in even more irritation. "Go on." Kyoro said reading his menu. "The other day, Class D got a major boost thanks to Horikita-san. Class Morale has shot up, and more than anything else, the number of people who idolize Horikita-san has increased. This is a big opportunity." Hirata informed.

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