Chapter 9

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Harry- I sigh walking into the little medwing of the Ministry, apparently everyone has to have check ups every month. I go over sitting down on one of the beds she points to.

Kate- I smile down at him "I am just going to do the normal everything I do for all the men"

Harry- I lay back letting her do all the test on me

Kate- I look at him in shock "your a hermaphrodite?"

Harry- I nod "I am, was born like this but I didn't get the normal time of the month as girls get"

Kate- "I will have to do all the female test on you also, this will take a bit longer of your time"

Harry- I hum laying back down again "that's alright"

Kate- I do all the female test on him "well congratulations are in order Mr Potter"

Harry- I sit up "congratulations about what?"

Kate- my eyes widen "oh you didn't know? Your pregnant Mr Potter, it seems that it's not just one father either, Mr Snape and Mr Malfoy"

Harry- I nod "yeah there my mates, I'm a Erotes"

Kate- "well aren't you full of surprises today, aren't yeah, well I will give you books to read about the pregnancy, about the process, dietary like what you can and can't eat, you kind of get what I am getting at" I walk over to the bookshelves handing them over to him "other than that, I am finished, have a lovely day Mr Potter"

Harry- I smile nodding my head before leaving the room. When turning the corner I take a breath leaning against the wall putting a hand to my stomach. I look down at my stomach "well she was right about you being a surprise little on, definitely a surprise.


Harry- for the next few months were interesting and it's not getting near to my birthday both Severus and Draco have gone to different shops separately while I go looking around when I find the perfect shop. I walk in looking around when I find a ring with a little cauldron shaped black diamond on with little white diamond but not cauldron shaped, I pick that one before finding another perfect on with little dark blue diamonds on it making me asking for that one also. I make sure to have charms and spells on them f course healing, tracking because who know how many times all three of us have been kidnapped and protection on them.

Once at home I hide them before seeing the two having dinner, after dinner I decide we should have some fun and fun it definitely was



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