Chapter 10

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Harry- I smile as I am lead downstairs with my eyes covered when we get down there Draco uncovers my eyes and finding my favourite foods and deserts all over the table. I sit down with Draco sliding my chair in like a gentleman. I look at the two "thank you for this so much"

Severus- "your welcome love but most of it was Draco's doing"

Harry- "still thank you"

Draco- "let's dig in"

Harry- I fill my plate of Chinese food, rice, chips and thick noodles with chicken seeing the other two pick some chinese, pizza and other things. I dig right in until I am finished when I knew this was the right time "I have something to give to you"

Severus- I smile "but it's your birthday, we give to you"

Harry- "truth me you will like it" I get up and move to there two chairs kneeling down and pulling out the two boxes opening them up withing the rings the right ones to the two of them. I smile "I know we have only been with each of for six months now of the last year and five months but I am asking you Severus Tobias Snape and you Draco Lucius Malfoy, I love you no matter what but will you two marry me?"

Draco- I sniff "yes"

Severus- I nod "yes"

Harry- I slide the rings onto their wedding finger

Severus- "well this makes this easier"

Harry- I crunch my eyebrows together "make what easier" I then gasp watching the two move out of the seat and both kneel down in front of me pulling out one box each other there own showing the two rings to me.

Draco- "will you Harry James Potter, no matter what we all go through, marry me?"

Severus- "will you Harry James Potter, one of my mates and one of the loves of my life by the way love you both the same, will you marry me?"

Harry- I look to the two backwards and forwards before nodding my head smiling bright "yes, yes, yes I will!"

Severus- I slide my ring on then Draco does with his

Harry- "I also have a second surprised for the two of you"

Draco- I tilt my head "that is love?"

Harry- I take both of there hands putting it to my stomach "there will be a little one running around here soon"

Severus- my eyes widen before I get off my kneel pulling him into a hug feeling Draco also join in the hug

Harry- I feel my magic letting it self out and surrounding us feeling there magic also before I new it out rings glowed "did we just...?"

Severus- "we did"

Draco- "I wanted a wedding not a big one but this is better, doesn't normally bonding happen when having sex unlike what just happened to us just then"

Severus- "yes love"

Harry- "well let's have some fun my husbands"

Draco- I smile "we shall"



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