Chapter 2

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Harry- that night I did end up waking up and left a note before going back up. I slept some more before waking up and getting dress into my normal outside clothes this time with a dark green shirt and instead of robes a long black coat. Before leaving my bedroom I put my hair up in a high pony tail seeing as it dangles and goes up to my upper back when up instead of going down to my waist when down before going out my bedroom and down the stairs. When down the stairs I see the two there Malfoy in the kitchen and Snape reading the news paper at the table with a cup of him with either tea or coffee in front of him.

Draco- I turn smile loving the way he looks "take a seat I am making breakfast"

Harry- "need any help" I then hear a snort "you do know I know how to cook just not good at potions, been cooking since I could reach the stove" I sit down making sure my holster is in place

Draco- "wand off the table, Severus doesn't like it which by the way is a rule"

Harry- I nod "well I don't even use it, it's just for show" I say putting my wand in place by the way not my Phoenix on that one snapped after the duel with Voldemort which killed him with his own killing curse seeing as I was using light spells and curses.

Severus- I put my paper down to see him "what do you mean it's for show?"

Harry- I shrug "ever since the final battle I don't need to use a wand"

Severus- I point to the wand "why do you carry the elder wand with you then"

Harry- "if follows me after a while got annoyed, you decided to take it always with me" I click my fingers all the window going black, candle appear lit and floating around the room which makes Draco Whimper making me turn everything back to normal "see just for show, Hermione believe that the Horcrux must of block most of my magic and made me more powerful once it was broken"

Severus- I hum "how is Granger anyway?"

Harry- "unfortunately married to dickhead Ronald Weasley"

Draco- I turn in shock to him "what happened to the two of you, you were best friends?"

Harry- "I pick the wrong sort in the end anyway I guess, should of pick you. After the war he was just angry always angry including start not giving a shit about anyone, he start even hurting Hermione, I begged her to leave him but she wouldn't listen. Also turns out him, his mother and Dumbledore where just usually me not just because I was the chosen one" I do the whole air quotes finger movement with my fingers "but they were also stealing from me taking me money, they forced not just me but also Ginny into a Marriage, so they could have more and more but I ended up Divorcing Ginny which was both Mutual because was both wanted to be happy and not miserable both of us ended up being gay anyway, you don't mine me being gay do you?"

Severus- "Draco's gay"

Draco- "so is Severus"

Severus- "severus is not gay, I am bi sexual, I just prefer men"

Harry- I smile "oh good, well Ron after finding out me and his sister was getting divorce he was treating me worse than before, so stopped talking to him all together like everyone else had"

Draco- "was he angry because of Fred?"

Harry- I shake my head "no he was, he treats George bad too until Geogre also stopped everything to do with Ron, even Molly or Arthur have stopped talking to there son especially after finding out the way he treats Hermione and he also hurt them, he hit is mother after hitting Hermione in front of everyone after Molly shouted at him about how poorly he was treating Hermione, I still speak to her and am still trying to get her to leave so is everyone else but she still loves him and I don't get why, yeah I know it's to do with her mind and fear but yeah nothing more I can say much about that"

Severus- "she was one of the brightest student I know"

Draco- "hey what am I rag?"

Severus- "no you were even smarter than her but she was smart but I get why she isn't leave but at the same time I don't, she is smart but not that smart to do something about it or notice anything wrong about it"

Harry- I hum "I understand"

Draco- I nod "same"

Harry- I pull out my lip balm putting it in feeling even though just out on when waking up. I look up seeing the two looking at me "what?"

Draco- "it makes you lips go the bee sting lipstick style"

Harry- I snort "it's one of the reason why I got it but love the little tingly sting on the lips when putting it on" but then again he has red lip gloss on

Severus- I move my paper down to cover my hard on from not just the lips but also the tingly part



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