Chapter 6

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Harry- for the past few weeks since that day I have been keeping my distance from the two with not wanting to get in the way of there love for each other and wanting them both to be happy. I have seen then now and again yeah smiled at them now and then even if I am hiding my pain behind it. I look up when hearing a hoot, I get up walking over, giving the owl a treat and taking the letter. I open it up smiling at seeing who it is that is writing to me. I get dressed in black trouser and white shirt putting my shoes and coat on before leaving and heading to the American Ministry. I go to my office seeing him there "It's good to see yeah again Brother"

Neville- I turn smiling pulling him into hug "you two, so now tell me the reason why you are here brother, I get the whole needing to get away but why here?"

Harry- "Yeah I get you know why but I needed a break Neville I don't know how long I am going to be staying though"

Neville- "so where and who you living with Brother?"

Harry- "Draco Malfoy but he isn't the only one"

Neville- "who?"

Harry- "Severus Snape"

Neville- my eyes widen in shock "wait he's alive!"

Harry- I chuckle "that he is, all three of us having been living together plus I am there Probation officer too"

Neville- "so how are the two?"

Harry- "there alright and together"

Neville- I knew that look on his face as sadness over comes it but trying to hide it but his eyes show it all. I grab his hand "okay where going out, for food and that includes desert and then some shopping before I sort all of this out"

Harry- I snort as he drags me out and we go to a restaurant near by eating a pizza and chocolate cake with icecream and whip cream before he ends up dragging me back to the apartment heading straight for the couch sitting down next to me.

Neville- I looking around seeing that they are luckily here yet "do you know about you being a Erotes"

Harry- "A what? And no"

Neville- "Erotes are a collective of winged gods associated with love and sexual intercourse in Greek mythology. They are part of Aphrodite's retinue. Erotes is the plural of Eros, who as a singular deity has a more complex mythology. Other named Erotes are Anteros, Himeros, Hedylogos, Hymenaios, Hermaphroditus, and Pothos. They are nothing created by Choas himself but usually created when that person dies and come back to life and have two mates, as in soulmates and all that shit"

Harry- "your saying that I am this Erotes creature?"

Neville- "Yes"

Harry- "but you also died and came back to life, does this mean your one too?"

Neville- I smirk "I am but no I am not one of your mates because normally Erotes are connect to those who are similar to each other not in the Erotes but in both personality and sexual way, it's the reason why you immediately needed to come here to America where your two mates where and now living with them"

Harry- I shake my head "but they are together they don't want me and I get that because I want Severus and Draco to be happy"

Neville- I shake my head "you don't get it do you, the way they both used to look at you back in Britian, the hurt look in both of there eyes when they both saw you with Ginny before and after the war especially that day at the wedding, Malfoy being there and then the next day there was no trace of him being in Britian anymore" I hear the lift doors opening, seeing Snape walk through "you!" I stand up walking "you have to tell him the way you, feel about him you know what happens to a Erotes when they are rejected, he saw you and Draco being close and knew together, he believe that you don't like him and he wants you to be happy even though he is heart broken and feels rejected!"

Severus- my eyes widen, I look over to Harry seeing the look on his face before he look down to his lap. I walk over sitting down next to him, putting my index finger under his chin lifting his head, so he is now looking at me "I like you in the way you like me and so does Draco, why else do you think we both left America because of seeing you with Ginny and knowing we couldn't have you, so we both left not at the same time but we both did leave"

Harry- I look at him "but what about you and Draco?"

Draco- "what about us?"

Harry- I turn my head towards the stairs seeing Draco coming down them

Severus- "we are both together but we wasn't straight away at first I was jealous of they way he like you also, the way he said your name when releasing when I walked by one day, they way we both celebrated your birthday of course not together because he came drunk while I got drunk here and that when we both got angry about it while drunk and we kissed then sex straight away but I was like that because I wanted you for my self even though I knew you were a Erotes"

Harry- "so you don't want me or you do?"

Neville- "tell him!"

Severus and Draco- "we do, we like you"

Harry- I smile leaning up and pressing my lips to his before feeling Draco lips on my neck. I hear the lift doors opening and closing before going down knowing that Neville is leaving to give us privacy. I pull away biting my bottom lips letting out a little moan seeing as Draco his still attacking my neck with his lips and teeth. I look up at Severus through my eyes lashes with a little pout, letting out a whimper "please"



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