Snake eyes

18 2 0

I have eavesdropped, It was intentional at first..
But I tried to stop as curiosity became accursed..

Attempted to curt listening In on those whom hurt..
Trying to stop it short, doing my best to abort..

Before I know what I shouldn't..
I want them to think that I wouldn't..

but in the end I couldn't not..
nomatter how I fought..
From seeking to being sought..
In personal lives I've been caught..

Carrying unwanted personal clout..
On that which I need not know about..
Trying my best to block it out..
Trying my best though some may doubt..

It's as if the world will's my overhearing..
The situations rearing..when I least expect them..
An attack at the stem..Of my analytical thought..
Unprepared for the shot..thus it got the drop on me..
Yet still my fault to a degree..My lack of preparing..

Could have taken a different route..Instead..
mentally bleeding out..Look ahead..
Too far in before I realize..

Soon is revealed my snake eyes..

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