~ Prologue ~

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  Once upon a time, not long ago, there lived a Prince. This prince wasn't like any other, for he was born on the moon. His entire Kingdom lived on the moon, keeping they're existence all a secret. They were not human, however, they did look like it. The only major differences were the color of eyes, their blue skin, and that both genders could bare a child. They're eye we're all sorts of colors. Like pink, purple, red, even white. The prince, had beautiful and enchanting blue eyes. They say if you looked into them, you'd feel like you were being swept off your feet or feel really calm, warm and fuzzy. However, this prince, the older he grew, became interested in going to earth. He wanted it with all his heart. He was always a curious and adventurous child, and his parents knew this. He was always exploring places,even if he wasn't supposed to be there. As the years went by, remembering everything from it, the prince slowly grew lonely, wanting someone to adventure with. He didn't have anyone except for his own mother and father. He wished and asked his parents for a sibling , but they refused. It was against the rules for the royal family to have more than one child. The Prince's lonely slowly turned into sadness. Eventually, though, he would be able to go in his own. That day was soon to come. His twenty-th birthday. He would go to earth. He would find someone else to adventure and explore with.
Do you know who that prince was?

That prince was me.

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