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"wait Carlos I don't-"

"oh. my. god."

Cuts. All over Sebs body. From the shoulders down to the waist


Seb threw on his hoodie and got up. "I'm sorry." Seb whispered and ran out.

"Wait Seb no!" Carlos ran after him and grabbed Sebs wrist, causing him to whinse in pain.

"Sorry, sorry just please, can we talk?"


Once they got back on the couch Carlos gave Seb a pity smile.

"Hello. I'm Carlos R-"

"I know who you are, you're the popular homosexual that everyone loves."

"No. no. I want to tell you the real me."

"Oh, ok" Seb said softly.

"Hi. I'm Carlos Rodriguez. I'm 16 years old and I am an only child with a latina mother. I got bullied all my life because I'm gay. Thats why I became so popular. Because I told myself I was just better than everyone."


After they talked for while Seb looked over at Carlos.

"Whats wrong?"


"It's something."

"Fine. My body hurts, it wasn't your fault."

Carlos smiled at Seb.

"I'm sorry you're depressed." He said and Seb shrugged.

"I think you need someone, to let out all your feelings to"

Seb laughed a bit. "I do, Kourtney"

"No, I mean someone who won't butt in or say anything. Someone like you..."

Seb tilted his head. "Oh ok."

Then thunder and lightning.

Seb and Carlos both jumped from the sound but Carlos a lot more.

"Could you spend the night?" Carlos jumped again at the sound of the thunder

"On a school night?" Seb asked, very confused.

"Y-yEAh my mom won't come home for another week and I kinda don't wanna be alone during the storm..." Seb did a soft smile and nodded.

Carlos lead him upstairs and they both fell on the bed.

"Now go ahead, pour your heart out to me"


A/N  hope you enjoyed! Also I started watching Riverdale S4 and I'm crying now and this story keeps getting sad

334 words

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