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"I need to go somewhere" 

Sebs mom looked at him, she was broken, she felt like she couldn't save anything or anyone. Her son, depressed her husband, cheating on her with some single girl with no children. He left the family. She had to keep a smile on her face. 


Seb put on his jacket and ran out of the house. He left his phone in the house walked to the tallest building he could see. 

Of course it took a while living on a farm and also climbing the flight of stairs but when he finally made it he collasped on the top of the roof. 


Sebs mom ran to her sons phone and went on emergency contacts.

Carlos <3



Ms. Darbus-Caswel

She pressed on Carlos' contact.

"Hey babes whats up?" 

"Carlos, hello. I'm Sebastians mother."

"Oh. Hi Mrs. Matthew-Smith is everything ok?"

"Seb, I think hes going to do something he will regret." 

Carlos' eyes widen. 

"I'm on my way now." 

Carlos ran out of the house, tears behind him. 

"Seb, no, Seb!" He jumped into his car and immedialty drove to the building that would make the most sense to go jump off of. 


Seb looked up at the sky.  He smiled and pointed at the two stars next to eachother. "Seblos stars" he whispered to himself. He sat on the ledge for a while. Saying sorry to everyone he knew he hurt.


Meanwhile Carlos was running up the stairs as fast as he could. 

"Seb no Seb no!" He cried out. 


Seb got up and looked around at the world one last time. 

He jumped over the fenceing and looked down. At least 40ft.

"Goodbye world"

Just then Carlos almost knocked down the door and saw Seb. 

"SEB WAIT!" Carlos ran over to Seb and Seb started to cry even harder.

"Why Sebby?"

"I can't take the bullying like you can 'Los! I'm so sorry I just can't be here anymore no one loves or likes me!"

Carlos looked at him and Seb climbed back over the fence.

Carlos put his hand on Sebs cheek.

"Your mom loves you, your sisters and brothers, Kourtney, Nini, Ashlyn hell ALL OF THE CAST!, Miss Jenn and most importantly, Seb, I love you, I love you so fricking much." 

Seb looked at Carlos and the both kissed eachother.

"Don't you dare! Do thank again. You scared the hell out of me and your mother!"

"I wont." Seb said, hugging his boyfriend.


a/n boom, if this makes you happy after the last chapter Seb didn't do it. 

420 words teehee

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