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Carlos pulled Seb towards him and kissed him again.  

"Seb, lets get you home."

Sebs eyes went wide. "I can't go home. I don't want to hurt my mom anymore."


In all reality, Sebs mother was laying down next to Sebs phone, trying not to cry.


"Fine. At least call your mom. Uh. I'll call your phone." Carlos clicked on Sebs contact and called the phone. 


Sebs mom jumped from the sound of the ringtone and smiled but then got scared.

"Hello? Carlos is everything ok? Wheres Seb? Is he with you? Did you make it on time?" She said frantically.

"Hi Ms. Matthew-Smith. Everything is fine, Seb is right next to me and thankfully I made it before he jumped. But it seems like he doesn't want to come home, so is it fine if he spends the night at my place?"

"......as long as I can hear his voice." Carlos handed the phone to his boyfriend and Seb shook a bit more.

"Mommy?" Seb said, Carlos blushed when he said that in such a pure voice.

"SEB? OH MY ARE YOU OK?" She cried out. 

"I'm fine mommy, but I am so sorry."

"I'm sorry as well. I'm sorry that I wasn't the best mother and that your father left."

"Mom it's not you fault." 

"Seb. Stay with Carlos, I'll clean your room so you don't have to just please sleep happily. If you can't go to school tomorrow thats fine."

Seb started to cry. 

"ok mom."

"I love you sweetheart"

"I love you too mommy"


Carlos smiled and they walked down the flight of many stairs and Carlos drove back to his house, which they were greeted by his mother. 

"So. You leave at 1 am and come back with your boyfriend? WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?"

"Ma, ahora no, Sebby intentó suicidarse ..." ( Ma, not now, Sebby tried to commit suicide ...) Carlos said and his moms eyes went wide. 

"Oh... Sebastian, necesitas algo, agua, jugo, comida?" Seb shook  his head.

"Gracias pero estoy bien" ( Thanks but I'm fine ) 

She nodded and let them go upstairs.


When they got upstairs Carlos looked at Seb and furrowed his eyebrows. 

"Whats wrong?" Seb asked.

"Take off your shirt."

"I- uh." 

"No, NOT LIKE THAT just! Take off your shirt. I'll be back."

Seb nodded and carefully took off his shirt.

When Carlos came back he had a bottle of rubbing alcohol and 2 white face towels.

"Oh so dr. Rodreguiez is here?" Seb asked smiling. 

"Yes. And from the looks of it I'll be here for a while..."

Carlos kissed Seb again and poured some of the liquid onto one of the towels cleaning up his wounds. 

After some yelling and lots of "it's ok!"'s all of Sebs wounds were cleaned up. 

Both of the towels were red.

"ok, we both need sleep it's 3 in the morning!"  Carlos said, hugging Seb.




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