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this one is pretty chill - TW mention of self harm - 


"Oh yeah I totally have feelings for you also..."

Carlos lifted his head from Sebs chest. "what?" 

"I like you Carlos."

Carlos smiled and pulled Seb down toward him. 

They both stayed in the same position, Carlos began to deepen the kiss. 

They pulled apart and they looked at eachother. 

They stared into eachothers eyes then Carlos pulled Seb back into the kiss. 

The room was dark, the room lit up ever so often from the lightning but they didn't care. It was nice. 

"So, Carlos. You never said you were having friends over." Carlos' mom turned on the light and Seb and Carlos both looked at her. 

"MAMÁ! Qué estás haciendo aquí?" (Mom! WHat are you doing here?") 

"Oh, don't start speaking spanish on me now. You only speak Spanish when you're nervous."

Seb blushed.

"So who is this? Or are we speaking Spanish? If thats the case: ¡Contéstame ahora o iré a buscar el chancla! ¿Él es tu novio? ¡RESPONDA LA PREGUNTA!" 

(Answer me now or i'll go get the chancla! Is he your boyfriend? ANSWER THE QUESTION!")

"MA! Please calm down. eso tampoco será necesario ... y no sé si él es mi novio"

Seb could understand some Spanish but he did know Novio = Boyfriend.


After a bit more of Carlos and his mom yelling at eachother they finally stopped yelling at eachother in Spanish she walked over to Seb.

"Hello, I'm Carlos' mom, and you are?" She let out her hand and Seb shook it. "I'm Sebastian, Seb for short and I'm his science partner..." He put his hand down but Carlos' mom saw the cuts.

"Oh mi estas bien niño?" 

"Oh, do you both speak in Spanish when you're nervous?"  Seb said, confused.

"Sorry, are you ok!?  It looks like you have a cut! Do you want me to clean that?"

Seb and Carlos both looked at eachother. "No. No it's fine. I should go... it's late."

He got up but Carlos' mom grabbed his wrist, causing Seb to winse in pain. 

"Sit. It's too late for you to go anywhere in that terrible storm and also I need answers, from the both of you. NOW!" 

"Fine. I'm sorry Ms. Rodreguiez but I'm in love with your son. He's so kind and has helped me through my dep- things." Seb yelled, holding Carlos' hand. 


a/n Idk y but tonight I'm writing much longer parts lol

400 words 

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