Chapter One.

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Gemma Baggins was not your typical Hobbit.

Not because she was exceedingly beautiful (she was), or because she wasn't as hairy. It was because she longed for adventure. Gemma was brave, and unlike her older brother (he was older by thirteen and a half years), she wished she could leave the Shire for pastures new. So every now and then, the young Hobbit would venture to the edges of the Shire, and bravely dip her toe outside where the Shire would end.

To some, this may seem not very brave - but for a Hobbit, it was. No Hobbit ever left the Shire. Simply ever. For this small being, the world seemed so big and she wanted to see it. However, she never imagined she would ever get to leave. Boy, how wrong she was. Despite this being a very sad tale, don't be fooled. Gemma lived the life she always dreamed of, and more.

It all began one summers evening. Gemma sat on the outskirts of the Shire, looking out at the green fields, while reading a book. In fact, it was a book she had written herself, about a young Hobbit who fell in love with a strong, mysterious outsider. She smiled to herself, reading over a line that was rather romantic, if she did say so herself. Then, a small giggle as they had their first kiss. It wasn't her first time reading this book she wrote, but she was impressed by her skill every time. Her skill to make herself giggle and squirm like someone experiencing love for the first time. Or so she assumed, since she had never been in love either.

As she flicked through the pages, she half-listened to her surroundings. Birds and crickets chirping. Rabbits bouncing around nearby (she had found that animals were naturally drawn to her, and were rarely afraid).
"Ah, the end" she smiled moments later, stretching her small arms and legs out. She wiggled her bare toes, then lay back and gazed up at the evening sky. The sun was starting to set, so she decided to head back to Bag-end, where her brother Bilbo had most likely prepared dinner for them both.

She stood up slowly, stumbling a little bit as the blood rushed to her head anyway. Taking a few seconds before walking, she stuffed her book in her little bag, and then started to slowly stroll home. By the time she reached the town centre, the sky was completely dark and barely anyone was outside. Most would have been inside spending quality time with their families. As she approached her home, she noticed an old friend of hers from childhood, Bell Goodchild, having an evening stroll with her newborn son. Gemma had been meaning to stop by with a blanket she had knitted for him to keep him warm in the winter months.

"Good evening, Bell!" Gemma exclaimed happily, rushing to her old friends side and gazing lovingly into the pram.
"Good evening, Gem!" Bell smiled.
"Oh, I can't see him right!" Gemma sighed, so Bell pulled his quilted blanket away from his face carefully to reveal the sleeping baby Hobbit.
"He's just so beautiful.." Gemma sighed, this time happily, as her lips curled into a smile.
"Any sign of a marriage for you, Gem?" Bell asked.
She wasn't trying to be rude, Gemma knew that. She had her best intentions at heart. The only reason they had grown apart was because Bell had gotten married and pregnant within the last two years. Bell no longed had time to be outside in nature with Gemma. Gemma still had so much love for her, and missed the old days.

"No," she groaned, "but I do want to travel before I commit to someone."
"Oh, Gemma" Bell tutted, again, out of the goodness of her heart, "when will you learn? It's not realistic. Hobbits stays in the Shire, that's the way of things. Don't you have your eye on someone? A Took or a Brandybuck...maybe even a Boffin?"
Gemma hesistated before shaking her head.
"It'll happen for you. I know you've always dreamed of becoming a mother. Remember you used to say you wanted a son named Frodo?"
"I do remember that" Gemma giggled. She was still hopeful that she would meet someone who could give her a son someday.

"Well, I best be off" Bell said, "do stop by sometime. I would love to have some tea and maybe host a matchmaking party for you."
Gemma smiled softly. Once again, Bell was being sweet, but she wasn't interested in anyone in the Shire. At least, not right then.
"Okay. Enjoy your stroll and congratulations on the baby."
"Thanks! See you later."
Bell left, and Gemma stared after her until she disappeared into the distance. She felt a pang of jealousy wash over her. Something she wasn't used to feeling.

Bell had married a Took. They were well known in the Shire for being a little dim, but they were hard workers. So, she married him anyway, despite not feeling much for him. Now, they had a son and a beautiful house and he worked all hours to bring food home for them, and luxuries that Gemma couldn't ever afford like new clothes. The only reason she even had a home, really, was because Bag-end had been left to both her and Bilbo in their mother's will when she passed away.

She shook her head, snapping herself from her jealous daydream. Someday Gemma, she thought, someone will love you. Was she weird for not wanting to marry a Hobbit? Was that really so bad like everyone made it out to be? Sure, if she married an Elf he would be significantly taller than her, but at least their children would be beautiful. As she walked, lost in thought, she soon found herself standing outside Bag-end.
"It's okay. Oh, my. I'll just make them leave!" she heard someone whisper. Gemma looked up to see her older brother, stood outside their house in the darkness, sitting on the bench with his head in his hands.

"Bilbo?" she called, causing him to look up at her with panicked eyes.
"Oh, Gemma!" he exclaimed, standing up quickly, "where on earth have you been?!"
"Off reading," she replied fast, "what's going on? Why are you out here talking to yourself?"
"Gemma!" he said, stomping his tiny foot, "there are dwarves inside!"
Gemma raised a brow, "Bilbo, did you smoke some strange weed today by mistake?"
"I'm telling you, Gemma!" he yelled, pointing towards the front door, "go inside. Take a look for yourself! They're eating and drinking all around them, all our food is gone!"

Gemma laughed.
"Oh, Bilbo. I think you need some sleep."
Bilbo started muttering to himself, counting on his fingers, trying to count how many dwarves he had seen inside.
Gemma rolled her eyes playfully, approaching the front door. As she went to push the door open, she heard a plate smash and then many men laughing. Her eyes widened. Was Bilbo really telling the truth?! Was there really Dwarves in her home?! How exciting!

She quickly pushed open the door and practically stumbled into the kitchen, where around a table sat twelve Dwarves, laughing, joking, eating and guzzling beer. A wide smile spread across her face as she looked over all of their faces. There was two relatively young looking, handsome dwarves. Gemma, despite her best efforts, found herself staring at the dark haired youngster. He was probably a bit older than her, but he was so handsome. He laughed, then picked up his cup and threw the entire beer back in one go. Usually, this would disgust Gemma, but by the God's, there were DWARVES in her dining room!

Suddenly, without warning, the brunette male that she had been staring at noticed her.
"Look boys!" he gasped, slamming his cup down onto the table and wiping some foam from the side of his mouth with his sleeve, "a broad!"
Gemma's eyes widened. Her cheeks darkened and her heartbeat quickened.
"Yeaaaahhhhh!" the rest of them cheered, clinking their glasses together.
"So he wasn't joking when he said the food was for him and his sister. Ah well!" the blonde one beside him yelled.
"Hey Kili!" one of them, a rather innocent looking dwarf said, holding his cup up to him. Kili, who Gemma had just discovered his name thanks to the other dwarf, lifted his empty cup and clinked it against his.
"Cheers, Ori!"

"What on earth..." Gemma muttered to herself.
"See?!" Bilbo said behind her, then approached her, "oh Gemma, what do we do?"
The Dwarves went quiet, listening for her response. Gemma stared blankly at her brother for a moment, then back at Kili.
"What do you mean, brother? We feast, that's what!" she exclaimed, earning an eruption of applause and happy yells from the dwarves.
"Wha- are you crazy?!" Bilbo yelled.

Gemma glanced back over at Kili, who was smiling at her.
"Maybe just a tiny bit." 

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