Chapter two.

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Two hours later, Gemma had found herself seated with the dwarves, listening to tales about their lives. She knew all their names off by heart, and could match their names to their faces. She had even had a nice, long chat with Gandalf. Bilbo, on the other hand, was far less impressed by their stories and didn't care much to know their names. He was sulking around the house, barking orders and not being listened to even for a second. Gemma found it quite hilarious, but Bilbo was growing more and more agitated.

One thing about her brother - he hated company - which was why Gemma barely ever brought her friends around after their mother died. She respected Bilbo, and she loved him, so why would she want to make him uncomfortable? Never once had it crossed her mind to be selfish about it. Never had she thought to ignore his feelings and bring guests home anyway. That night, she was eating and drinking while seated in between Fili and Kili - passing a little flirt to Kili every now and then, who would laugh and flirt back. She wasn't sure whether or not he thought she was pretty, and he was pretty drunk. . . not that she was far off it herself.

"Tell me, Gemma," Kili began, stuffing an olive into his mouth. Gemma winced, since she hated olives. They were more so Bilbo's.
"How do you get your hair so pretty?"
Gemma felt her cheeks flush, and she wasn't sure whether it was from the alcohol or the flirting, "My curls are natural, good sir."
"Ooh! Even better!" he chuckled, popping a piece of cheese into his mouth. Bilbo was stood in the doorway, scowling at her.

"One moment please, boys" she smiled, standing up. The dwarves all groaned, the room filled with pleas like: "aww no!", "Gemma come back, won't ya?!", "Aww it's no fun without Gemma!"
Gemma giggled, feeling flattered by their complaints. She was apparently the life of the party, even though she definitely didn't feel that way usually. She approached Bilbo, taking a hold of his sleeve and dragging him into the living room.
"Gemma, what do you think you're doing?" Bilbo scolded.
Gemma popped a piece of cheese that she had been holding into her mouth, speaking with her mouth full, "What? He's cute!"

"Don't - don't speak with your mouth full, what are you twelve?!"
Gemma laughed.
"You're drunk. By the God's above your drunk. Gemma Baggins!" he lifted his finger into her face, "you are naughty, naughty, naughty!"
Gemma took a hold of his finger.
"Wh-what are you doing?"
"You have chubby fingers" she giggled, clearly so drunk.

He snatched his hand away from her grasp, tutting, "if mother was here you'd be in massive trouble, young lady!"
"Well mother is dead!" she giggled, "so unless she appears as a ghost, I'm not in trouble!"
"Well then you're in trouble with me!"
"Oh, please!" she laughed, "in trouble with Mr. Bilbo Baggins, am I? What are you going to do? Get Kili to spank me?!"
"Gemma! That's inappropriate!" Bilbo yelled.
"Oh, Kili! Spank me, spank me harder!" she said, tripping over herself. Yet someone caught her, and to her utter embarrassment, it was Kili. He was smiling from ear to ear, clearly amused by her drunken slurs.

"Oh? You want me to spank you, do you?" he smirked. Gemma's face heated up, and her eyes widened as she lay in his arms. Bilbo snarled and snatched her back, being a protective older brother.
"Come here!" he snapped at Gemma. Kili raised both his hands in the air.
"Sorry, Bilbo. Where's your bathroom?!"
"Where's my - Where's my bathroom?!" Bilbo yelled.
"Yeah, where's your bathroom?" Kili repeated, raising both brows and stumbling slightly to the side.

"Listen!" Bilbo yelled, pointing his index finger right at Kili's chest, "I don't care who you are, or what you want to do with my sister, but get out of our home! The lot of ye! This is a private dwelling, and I know my rights as a home owner! Get out, get out, get out!"
He panted heavily once he finished the sentence in one breath, holding onto his chest. Gemma was giggling hard, not taking him seriously at all.
"I guess I'll find it myself, then" Kili said, chuckling.
"I'll show you-" Gemma said, going to follow him, but Bilbo pulled his drunken sister back by the collar, "oh no you don't!"

"Whyyyyyy?" Gemma whined, pouting. Bilbo pointed in the direction of the dining area.
"You're going to help me get rid of these dwarves!"
"But why, Bilbo? Can't you relax for one day and have some fun??"
"No. No I cannot. Gemma, these people just barged into our home. OUR HOME. They've eaten our months supply or more of food. I have never seen someone eat so much in my life, and I eat six meals a day!"

"Relax, Bilbo" Gemma sighed, running a hand through her curls, "it's just fun."
"It's not!" Bilbo groaned, "I thought you'd be on my side of all people."
"I am on your side, Bilbo. Always, but this time, I want to have some fun."
She left her brother's side and reentered the dining room, taking her seat beside Fili who started to talk to her about Gandalf, and how they met.

After their conversation was finished, Fili stood up and Kili returned to his seat. He went to talk to her, but then the dwarves burst into song while cleaning the plates.
"Blunt the knives, bend the forks, Smash the bottles and burn the corks" Kili winked at Gemma as he sang. She blushed and bit onto the sleeve of her dress. "Chip the glasses and crack the plates, That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!..Cut the cloth, tread on the fat, Leave the bones on the bedroom mat, Pour the milk on the pantry floor! Splash the wine on every door! Dumps the crocks in a boiling bowl, Pound them up with a thumping pole! When you're finished if they are whole send them down the hall to roll! That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!"

Everyone erupted into laughter, including Gemma, as Bilbo pushed through the crowd of dwarves to see the plates stacked neatly on top of one another.
"Bilbo!" Gandalf laughed, smoking on his pipe.
Just then, a loud thump came on the front door. Everyone piped down, all eyes transfixed on it. Gemma, who was still drunk, slurred a little bit, "who can that be?"
"He's here" Gandalf muttered.
Gemma glanced over at Bilbo, who was already looking at her with a confused - and defeated look.
"Who's here?" Gemma questioned no one in particular.

"Thorin, Thorin Oakenshield."
Gemma couldn't understand why everyone was so serious all of a sudden, and she had no idea who this Thorin Oakenshield was. All she knew was that he had potentially ruined her fun - and that he held some authority over everyone there.

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