Chapter Three.

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"So, they just showed up here?" Frodo asked in surprise, "but why?"
Bilbo chuckled, remembering fondly in that moment how the dwarves had been dancing around that very room. What once had been a nuisance to him was now a memory forever etched in his mind.
"Well, we will get to that, my dear boy."
Frodo nodded, "so, my mother liked my father from the moment she first seen him, then?"
"Yeah, she did, and he liked her, too. That much was obvious."
"Okay, continue on, then. . . and don't leave out any important details!"


Gandalf rushed to open the door, crouched down to avoid smacking his head off the roof. Gemma watched him move towards the door while chewing on a hard grape. The dwarves crowded around the door, eagerly awaiting this 'Thorin' character, like he was so important. As the door swung open, Gemma stood up on her hair to see a male stood in the doorway, wearing layers of fur and armour, with all sorts of weapons attached to him. She was startled at first, because she had never seen a knife that was clearly used for anything except cooking.

"Welcome, Thorin" Gandalf said. Everyone seemed to be walking on eggshells. The dwarves were mumbling happily to one another, and one even took his coat from him gently and hung it up for him. Whoever he was, he was important, that much was clear to both Gemma AND Bilbo, who was stood in the archway near the front door.
"It was a long journey," Thorin complained, "I would have gotten lost too, if it weren't for that mark on the door."
"Oh no," Gemma snickered, knowing full well her older brother would lose the plot. He had just painted the door a week before hand.

"What mark?!" Bilbo exclaimed, right on cue, "there's no mark on that door it was painted a week ago!"
"There is a mark, I put it there myself" Gandalf explained. Bilbo groaned, going to look at it but Gandalf quickly shoved the door closed.
"Gemma, if you could come here a moment" Gandalf called.
Gemma finally swallowed the grape, then nervously and shyly entered the hallway where everyone stood. She was starting to sober up and, well - she was feeling a little bit awkward.
"Thorin, this is Bilbo Baggins," Gandalf said, motioning with his staff towards Bilbo, who chewed his bottom lip angrily over his ruined paint job, "and this is his sister, Gemma Baggins. Bilbo, Gemma, this is Thorin Oakenshield."

Gemma slithered over to her brother, holding onto his shirt sleeve nervously. Thorin approached them, shooting them an amused look.
"So. . . these are the master burglars. Criminal siblings."
"Ex-excuse us?!" Gemma exclaimed.
"Ah, now, Ms. Baggins," Gandalf scolded, "please, be kind."
"He just called us-" Gemma began, but Thorin ignored them, slipping past them into the kitchen - and through that, the dining room.
"I'm starving" he called out, "I would like something to eat."

"You're not the only one. . ." Bilbo muttered to himself.
"We saved you some food, uncle" Kili said, helping Thorin take a seat at the table. Bombur and Fili presented him with some meat, vegetables and fruits. He started to chow down on his meal, while Gemma and Bilbo stood awkwardly in the doorway.
"Who is he?" Gemma muttered angrily to her brother.
"I don't know," Bilbo shrugged, "I just- I can't believe this is happening right now."
"He's kind of rude," Gemma continued, "I mean, do you think he is someone important where they come from?"
"Perhaps," Bilbo sighed, "but he's useless here. Let's kick them out!"
"We can't just do that!" Gemma scolded, stopping Bilbo from moving into the dining room with her hand, "they'll be gone in the morning, they told me themselves."

"Are you suggesting we allow these dwarves - no - strangers to stay in our home?!" Bilbo exclaimed, earning a look from Gandalf, who was seated nearby.
"What choice do we have?" Gemma sighed, "you saw how adamant they were to stay here earlier, didn't you? They wouldn't listen to you at all. You were running around like a headless chicken trying to make them leave and stop eating and they wouldn't. Our best bet is to wait 'till morning. They will be gone."
"A word, you two?" Gandalf called, causing both Baggins's to look at him angrily.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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