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New Life !

Inheritance Test

Name : Harry Potter- Malfoy
Father : James Potter ( deceased )
Mother : Lily Evans Moonlily nee Potter ( deceased )
Godfather : Sirius Black ( askaban )
Godmother : Alice Longbottom ( insane )
Magical guardian : Albus Dumbledore ( Alive )

Status : Pure blood

Martial status : bonded

Spouse : Draco Malfoy

Creature : Veela ( Mother )
Forest Lord ( Father )
Elf ( Father )
Dementor ( Inherited )
Vampire ( inherited )

Lord Of :
Potter ( Father )
Peverell ( Father )
Gryffindor ( Father )
Moonlily ( Mother )
Ravenclaw ( Mother )
Hufflepuff ( Mother )
Slitherin ( inherited )
Gaunt ( inherited )
Riddle ( inherited )
Evan ( Adopted )
Black ( Godfamily )

Heir To ; None

Properties :

Inheritance test

Name : draconian Malfoy
Father : Lucius Malfoy ( alive )
Mother : Narcissa Black nee Malfoy ( Alive)
Uncle : Severus Snape
Godfather : Rodolphus Lestrange and Fenrir Greyback
Godmother : Rabastan Lestrange

Status : Pure blood

Martial status : bonded

Spouse : Harry Potter

Creature : Veela ( Father )
Vampire ( Father )
Elf ( Father )
Demon ( mother )
Angel of Purity ( mother )

Lord Of :
Arthur ( Father )
Dracula ( Father )

Heir To ; Malfoy

Properties :

Harry and Draco find themselves looking at the paper shocked while for same reason they never known the fact that they are the lords of more than one houses.

Harry and Draco left the Gringotts happily while their parents left them for them to have some time together. While instructing them to buy new wands each from gringotts. The bank given them mokeskin money bag as a gift.

*Where are we exactly going to buy wand* asked Harry terrified as they were walking into the deepest part of Knockturn Alley and not to forget he also saw some old woman selling something looking disgusting on the sideway.

*Don't fret over nothing love we are reaching out destination* said Draco calmly as he was going to his familiar wand shop.

When they reached Harry thought Draco was kidding because the shop looked like it was hit by hurricane until he got inside to find himself seeing a person looking alike the Ollivander in the Daigon Alley. Later after getting the pre-made wands only did Harry looked amazed at the wand maker who make wand for them not making them try out made ones and havocing the whole shop.

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