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Parents and Home !

Triandal was looking at Ellerian are you sure about this.

*Excuse me tell me again you are saying that this old man is my father nope never going to accept you know he the most stubborn long in history even the present books* said Triandal looking at Thranduil you are the most dangerous in eyes while Thranduil smiled happily to give fuel to the burning fire.

*Excuse me tell me again you are saying that this old man is my father nope never going to accept you know he the most stubborn long in history even the present books* said Triandal looking at Thranduil you are the most dangerous in eyes while Thr...

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Before Triandal could talk back he found someone grabbing his hand and shaking it. He looked to find Hatharal looking at a woman who had green hair with a intensive look boring into them.

*Sauron look at my son he look like me not even looking like even though he is your son too* said Chandrella ( magic ).

*Sauron look at my son he look like me not even looking like even though he is your son too* said Chandrella ( magic )

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Triandal looked at her like are you sure about that look. While Hatharal find himself changing into his fearsome look while Triandal smiled happily at him or sinisterilly with him.

Seiveril looked at the old people curiously.

*We we can train you and act like a mentor in your life* suggested Saruman while Gandalf nodded.

Seiveril nodded happily while Belanor was looking at Elrond like he lost his mind.

*Dad do you want to have this man as your father* asked Eldrin curiously.

*If I had a choice then I would have before being like his son* said Belanor looking at Elrond scornfully.

Even though no one want to be the son of their respected parents they didn't got a chance to change it anyway.

Belanor and Seiveril went to Rivendell along with Elrond and his family while Triandal and Hatharal along with Aries went with Thranduil and his family to Mirkwood.

Sauron take his army and gone away to his palace along with his wife Chandrella happily and the world became peace and quite.

Bilbo stayed with the dwarves along with his nephew and his friends while Thorin forgives him and Killi married Tauriel and lived in the landscape inbetween both of their home Mirkwood and Lonely Mountain.

Triandal became the eldest son of the Thranduil, the King of Mirkwood. Bearer of the Nenya.

Seiveril became the wizard elf of the middle Earth having two fathers Gandalf and Saruman. He got the title the bearer of   Narya.

Hatharal became the son of the Sauron and the lady magic. He became the wife of Triandal and bearer of Ash Nazg.

Belanor became the second son of the Elrond the king of Rivendell. He became the bearer of the ring Vilya.

That's how the world became after stopping the great five war. The world became peace and happy and the Elvin world never perished and lived happily ever after with the present ones as the past.

Thranduil's heart was healed and he became a proper father figure to both of his son much to the happiness of Legolas and dismay of Triandal.

Belanor and his four kids were tortured with the porridge while Seiveril happily fall in love with that disgusting food. The Elrond heir family and Thranduil heir was not allowed to move away from the castle much to their disappointment while the kids started getting older while all the older people looked after them like they are elflings.

Maglor came back to life along with his family and Elrond have three father figure and one mother which made him gulp and his brother also came back to share his torture so he was happy much to the dismay of Elros.

Thranduil find himself rolling his eyes as he now have his grandfather, great grandfather and father in his castle looking over the country with him while treating him like a elfling.

While the kids get older, the family became Prosper as the world get accommodate with the population. The birth of the young ones were limited because of immortality but still that didn't effect that bad way anyway. So they are happy about their life because not every is perfect.

Triandal, Hatharal, Seiveril and Belanor became known as the four ring lords of peace and tranquility in all the groups alive in the world still dwarves and men along with animals still die after a lifespan.

Elves were the only one who get the immortality even thought the birth elflings are rare. So the elflings got a lot of importance in the world of Elvin world.

Legolas impressively became the true mate of Glorfindel who was also surprised to be even though Legolas was the submissive one. They had a child named Aranel.

Male submissive male also started appearing in the Elvin World. But they are stronger and sharper like a true dominant and the only thing they differ is one can carry children other can't.

The world became happy and in peace atlast with the true meaning of sorrow not happening. Jealous and greed never came into the world because of the gods like lady magic who was the most powerful among all.

She made sure about it as long as she had a strong force to push her and it turned out to be her immortal son whi will live nevr die while Sauron became good as he got his wife and his son back atlast anyway.

As everyone said :

** Some sacrifices are inevitable if ita for a better future and a better life **

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