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Harry woke up to see Draco gazing at them while lying on their bed.

*What's wrong Draco* asked Harry concerned.

*No looking at my most precious ones in my life* said Draco happily. Draco leaned towards Harry not squeezing their son and kissed Harry's lips.

Harry was shocked but then give into the kiss until they heard someone blabbering. The broke away suddenly and looked at their baby I'm their awkward position to see him looking at them curiously.

Harry scooped Aries into his hand and get up from the bed spining slowly round with his baby up in his hands. The child laughed merrily and the adults started to laugh along as the laughter was too addictive.

Lucius opened the door to find the family having happy moment. He smiled seeing his own son with his little family happy. His heart suddenly eases up a little understanding that they will always be as happy as they are now, it was his wish and hope.

He cleared his emotions and knocked the opened door declaring his arrival and throat clearing while saying breakfast is ready.

The family came to the kitchen to have breakfast when they saw a new face in the dining room.

The family came to the kitchen to have breakfast when they saw a new face in the dining room

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*My name is Belanor husband of Severus* said Belanor looking at them happily.

The new family nodded their head in perfect unison even the little one nodded the head on the same way made everyone laughed at them while they tagged along.

After breakfast everyone was rushed into different room to get ready. 9 people find themselves in different rooms and they started to get ready.

In the Elvin Domain Castle,

Harry find himself apparate into a gorgeous castle adorned with climbers and creepers

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Harry find himself apparate into a gorgeous castle adorned with climbers and creepers. He was with Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy. But before he enter into the castle he found Narcissa Malfoy taking his hand.

*Look after Draco for me and don't forget him and love him in your immortal life. Promise me* begged Narcissa looking at Harry deep into his eyes.

*I promise on my soul that I will only love Draco Malfoy or in any name he is known I will only love the soul unconditionally and will have and love the family we form together* declared Harry looking at Narcissa and Lucius determined. Lucius and Narcissa kissed Harry's head like they did for Draco, Aries, Severus, Belanor, Elanjar, Elashor, Ellisar and Eldrin

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