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New Family !

Harry came to stand along with Draco and started to ruffle the small cute hair until Draco said something that made him smile.

*Well looks like someone had an accident on me* said Draco as his shirt got wet.

Tom started to cry again feeling himself wet while Harry looked at Draco teasingly but then took the child from his arm and went to bathroom to clean the child up.

Draco cleaned himself with a flick of his wand.

*Is my maple sad that he had an accident on Ada uhm don't worry he may have had accidents like this when he was as young as you. Oh my maple stop tiring yourself Ada will come soon* comforted Harry to the sobbing child.

Harry was filling water and bubbles in the tub when Draco came clean as ever. Then they together cleaned the baby who was happy at them because he was too talkative and smiling.

After dresing Tom into the old clothes of baby Draco they find themselves with their whole family again with a clean and happy baby bouncing in Draco's lap.

*What should we name him* asked Lucius to his family thinking.

Realisation hit them all and they started to suggest names and think for one.

*How about Anglachel* asked Draco looking at everyone.

*What's it mean* asked Harry doubtfully.

*It's a Sindarian names it means flaming iron star* explained Draco looking at the happy child.

*He has a strong will to have power and also is bright as hard as iron and star always flame in darkness and will be powerful in the light together with dark* said Draco looking at him.

Lucius, Narcissa, Severus and Harry looked at Draco who was surprisingly a father material he fallen in love with the little elfling in his hand.

*For pet name we can call h Aries* said Harry happily while everyone nodded at him.

The family atlast find happiness in the new family as they are bonding really well until it suddenly became upside down when the floo fireplace in the same room fires up telling them the arrival of someone.

Infront of the fireplace stood Abarax Malfoy looking seriously at the family infront of him.

*We have to go to the Elvin bestowment of throne* declared Abarax bluntly at them.

*Father stop being like that it's been two generations. We two never step foot in their after our great grandfather left the home for that* said Lucius looking at Abarax accusingly.

*No silly child I didn't asked to go to this but a warning letter from their we had to go there otherwise father is going to get us to there. You know how my father is he has very short tempered so we have to look for the bright side* said Abarax looking at Lucius sadly.

*What father* said Lucius but was cut short because the floo fired up again meaning somone other is going to come.

Abarax moved with wands out so all of them took their wands out while Draco given Aries to Harry amd shielded Harry and Aries behind him.

*Put your wands down now* ordered an elf coming from the fireplace glaring at them.

Abarax and Lucius was shocked to find their grandfather and father there.

*Hello my son long time no see* said Ignatius glaring at them.

*I don't what to see your face* said Abarax furiously.

*Is that any way to greet your own father Abarax who you left for some wizard woman. Let me make something clear I never told you to abandon your son just surpress his magic to some extent that's all and it will not harm him if it was made through Elvin magic* said Ignatius glaring at his only son.

Abarax glared at his father angrily but didn't speak to him because he was not too sure that he will say any civil words to him.

*Well what a surprise to find our second lineage here too* said Ignatius looking at Severus.

*To a father who abandon my mate I will never be in his domain if my mate never wished to be in them* announced Severus angrily that he was compared with his father.

*Is that the way you should speak to your uncle Severus dear at least you should know it by now that you have to respect him unlike my son who is your mate will be forced to do always* asked Elian angrily.

Up infront stood a tall elf with long black hair with icy cold blue eyes. His name was Elias the Royal lineage of the Sindarin elves.

Severus rolled his eyes but refrains himself from cursing his own father.

*All of them had to come on the Bestowment of the throne of Elves domain if you don't what your own father's take you into the ritual forcefully. Dress yourself like your lineage or we will redress you ourselves even if that hurt your Elvin pride* announced Elias before he apparate from their along with Ignatius on his way.

The family signed in stress while one blabbered non stop until Harry questioned them.

*What is going on and what do you mean by bestowment of the throne* asked Harry confused. The one to answer him was Draco who was trained from an young age if this trouble arise.

*Harry, Malfoy family are from the Elvin domains but due to the argument among my grandfather and my great grandfather you see the connection strained and we started to settle in Wizarding World. The only thing that still connected us with them are creature inheritance were from their own we are elves. We are Sindarian elves from the ancient woodland realm. Our famous ancestors are famous among the Elvin domain along with my uncle Severus Snape. He is from the elves having black hair he connected himself with us through magic so I have his blood in my veins too. Bestowment of throne means they will check whether we are the true heir of the throne if we are then we have to resurrect our spirits of ancestors to Earth for them to rule the domain forever as we all are immortals* explained Draco seriously.

*Well when is this Ritual anyway* asked Harry doubtfully.

*In two days time* said Abarax unhappily.

Well the days are getting stressful than before while Draco was feeling tension to find himself in the Elvin domain after a long time the last day he was there was the day he born.

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