Chapter 1

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This book was inspired by Quantoria04 ・

It's not exactly like her book, but this chapter is inspired by Quantoria04

Becky pulled her car into the driveway of her perants house. Her mom came out and greeted her with a bright smile.

"Rebecca! "Becky's mom, Monica yelled as she ran up to Becky, with a smile. "Mom!" she yelled back as she opened her car door and got out and hugged her mother.

"I haven't seen you in two years, I missed you so much "Monica said as she released her daughter from the hug. "I missed you too, how's the farm been?" Rebecca said as she walked to her car's trunk and opened it. "the farms been alright, let's get your luggage to your room" Monica said as she help Becky take out bags.

They walked inside and went to Becky's room. "well I'll leave you to unpack, your father will be home by two pm and lunch will be ready in thirty minutes" Monica said as she left the room. "Ok" Becky said as she sat on the bed and sighed.

Later she had finished packing and made her way down stairs. "Bex, you can come eat" Monica said from the kitchen. "Coming" Rebecca said walking into the kitchen. She sat down at the table as her mom placed a salad and smoothie on the table.

"hey mom, where is Arrow's 
saddle and Bridle? "she asked as she began to eat . "oh, it's in the barn" she told her daughter "oh before I forget... Dean is staying in the barn and working on the farm because he is paying off debt" she said once more.

Rebecca looked confused at her mother. "dean? Debt?" she asked. "oh dean, is a guy. His paying off debt because he rode into your father's car and smashed it... Just stay away from him... His trouble " Monica said to Becky. "ah.... Okay?" Becky said slowly and continued to eat.

Rebecca soon finished eating and put on her boots. She walked outside, the sun shone brightly on her. She walked to the barn and knocked on the wood, brown, door. There's was no reply. She knocked again,louder this time. No reply. She groaned and slammed the door with her hand. "ok, I'm coming, I'm coming" a voice said and becky heard the door open. She turned around and was speechless by the guy. He also was taken a back by her beauty. "Ahh... Can I help you?"he asked. "um... Yes... I'm Rebecca by the way, Monica and Andrew's daughter" she said shyly.

He opened the door wider for her to come in. "come in... I'm dean... What exactly can I help you with?"he asked again. "oh, sorry. My horse's bridle and saddle... My mom said it's here" she stood awkwardly.

He walked over to the back of the barn and she followed behind. "here you go" he held it to her but her hands accidentally touched his, she looked up and they met eyes. She quickly took it as they still stayed staring at each other. "um, so you ride horses" dean asked as they walked out. "ah, yeah, my horse is Arrow. The gray mustang" she smiled. "nice" he smirked. "my mom says your trouble... Are you?" she said as she shifted the saddle from her left hand to the right. "you could say that" he shrugged.

"well ok then... I'll see you around Mr trouble "she turned around and walked off. Dean couldn't keep his eyes off her.

Becky walked to the stables and quickly found her horse." Arrow, I've missed my big boy so much "she said in a baby voice and patted her horse's neck. She put the saddle and bridle on Arrow, then got on and trotted off.

She raced with arrow up the mountain and let the summer wind fly through her hair. Dean stood watching in amazement from the barn.

Becky looked so beautiful. Birds flying around her, wind blowing in her hair, arrow running at full speed. Dean smiled in approval. You see, Dean is trouble, but he doesn't sleep around with women. He actually has never slept with a woman before. But he does steal cash from shops and stores. Steals food, cars, phones, computers, anything. His father went to jail Afew years back for murder and women abuse. His mom was the victim of the murder. So dad in jail because he killed his wife. Dean then had a few job interviews but none of them wanted him and turned him down. So he turned to stealing. He was seventeen when it started, he was ment to go to the orphanage but he ran away. His now twenty-three and is still stealing

Becky on the other hand. She follows the rules and does things by the book. Her perants have planned her life out for her, she has her own hopes and dreams, but she knows her parents wouldn't approve. So she was nine when her perants started fighting and arguing. Years passed and they where still fighting. They always compared her to her  sister, Yolanda, who is now living in Paris as a fashion designer. She got to follow her own dreams but Becky.....Yolanda was the oldest out the two and becky the youngest. But becky had to act like the older sister. Because her sister had bad ocd, so she bathed like four times in one morning and washed her hair like three times a day. Which made her skin peel and hair to fall out. Becky had to just sit there, scared to death, because she thought her sister would kill her. Her parents used to say Becky was the 'unwanted child'. But when Becky turned 17,it got worse. Her dad started beating up both her and Monica. Monica slept around with random men. Kids teased her at school so she tried to commit suicide,but it didn't work so she went to hospital for two weeks. She then became a 'good girl' as people would say. She obeyed her parents and followed their instructions and rules. And now here she is 23 years old, still the little unwanted child trying to be wanted.

Later Becky was finished riding her horse, so she stood in the stable grooming Arrow. "I didn't expect a woman to ride horses so good"she heard a voice so she turned to see dean, who was leaning on the door of the stables. "oh I didn't see you there, and thanks for the compliment" she smiled as she continued to brush Arrow's hair. "so this is your horse?" he asked extending his hand a patted Arrow's for head. "yep, this is arrow" she smiled, forgetting her mother's words earlier, about staying away form dean.

"his really beautiful "dean said sighing and continued to rub Arrow's head. "yea, he is a beautiful horse" she smiled "do you ride horses?" she asked. "yea, your parents usually ask me to exercise them, by riding them. I've actually roden arrow before"dean said as he looked at Becky.

" is he easy to ride for you? "she asked again. "yea, his really smooth at galloping, and his not like those horses that bit you" dean laughed a little. "yea, arrow is really sweet" she so laughed quietly.

"Rebecca! Your father's home! "Becky heard her mom yell. "oh um... I should go. It was nice speaking to you,I'll see you around" she said as she walked out the stable and said her goodbyes to Arrow. "Bye" dean smirked. He watched her run away to the farm house.

"hey father "Becky said excitedly. "hi" was all he said and walked inside. Becky stood there, unwantedly. Dean who was still in the barn could see the hurt in her eyes, he even felt sorry for her.

Later that night, Monica, Andrew and Rebecca sat at the dinner table. "did you find the saddle and bridle?" Monica asked. "yea, Dean help" Rebecca replied. Becky's father, Andrew looked at her sternly. "You were with dean!?" he yelled. "y-yeah, he just helped me get Arrow's gear" Becky replied and was shivering. "you better stay away from him!!" Andrew screamed and stood put which made Becky fall on the ground. "f-father I-im sorry" she crawled up against the wall in fear. Her mother did nothing. "sorry?! Sorry!? I got a call from your university today!! You know what they said!?" he walked up to her as she tried to curl in a small ball. "they said you have been doing bad in school!!" he walked closer. "father i-" she tried to run but her father caught her by her collar. "save it you little slut!!" he said as he slammed her against the wall and held her by her throat. He dropped her and walked away and she fell to the floor gasping for air and coughing.

Dean could hear commotion coming from the farm house. He walked out into the cold night air and looked up to see Becky walking out onto her balcony. She held her hand on her stomach and the other one to cover her mouth while she coughed. He could only wonder what happened. He stood a while longer before going back inside the barn.


Hi guys, hope you enjoy my new book.

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