Chapter 3

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Becky woke up to the morning sunlight touching her face. She yawned as she stood up and stretched. She walked into her bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Before she took her pajamas off and climbed into the shower. After the shower she got dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans and black t-shirt. And put her sneakers on.

She then walked down stairs to see that her mom and dad was both gone,but there was a letter on the table from her mom.
Morning, I'm at a friend's house today I'll be back by 6pm your dad is at work and he'll be home by 8pm, can you please prepare dinner
xoxo mom

Becky put down the note and grabbed a apple and took a bit out of it before walking out the house and went to the stables. She ate a quarter of her apple then gave the rest to Arrow, then she got an idea. So Rebecca went inside and started making pancakes, after a short while they were done, so she put the dozen pancakes in a basket along with syrup,blanket, two glasses and a 1l bottle of orange juice. She then walked back outside and when back to the stable and saddled up Arrow and another horse, named Demon, who was a black horse. She walked out leading the two horses and had the basket in one hand.

She walked to the barn and knocked twice . Dean opened the door with a unemotional face but it turned into a huge grin when he saw Rebecca. "good morning" dean greeted and looked at the two horses confusedly. "morning Mr trouble, so... My perants are out for the day, so I thought we could ride the horses up the mountain and have a picnic breakfast under the big oak tree" Becky said happily. "ah... Sure" dean said as he closed the door and took the horse's reigns from Becky and held them for Becky as she climbed on Arrow. She took arrows reigns from Dean. Dean then got up Demon and the two began to ride to the mountain.

"race you to the top! "Rebecca yelled as she tapped her legs in Arrow's thigh, signaling him to gallop." your on! "dean laughed as he also moved Demon into a gallop. The two laughed as they raced each other. The oak tree came into view, which made Becky smile as she was ahead of Dean. To their surprise, it was a tie, both got to the tree at the same time. They laughed and got off their horses,and let them feed in the fresh green grass. Becky opened the basket and layed down the blanket then sat down on it and packed out the food. "some pancakes and orange juice" Becky smiled up at Dean, and patted the spot next to her, telling him to sit there. He smiled back at her and sat down. She handed him a glass cup and filled it up with orange juice and gave him pancakes. "thanks" he smiled and took a bit of the pancake "wow these are good". "thank you "Becky said ALMOST blushing.

They ate peacefully." thanks for last night, I really had a lot of fun "Becky glanced over at Dean who was taking a sip of the orange juice and was looking out at the horses grazing on the grass. "I also had a lot of... What are you doing today? "he asked. "well as far as I know, I'm cooking dinner" she shrugged her shoulders "you can help if you want" she said again. "sure, that will be fun, I haven't actually ever made dinner before, all I eat is stolen food" dean replied with a smirk. "well then, when we're done here, your gonna help me in the kitchen" Becky laughed.

Later, Becky and Dean had finished their breakfast and had put their horses in their stables. They where currently inside the house and made their way to the kitchen. "here, wash your hands" Becky said handing him dish soap. "you know this is dish soap liquid, I'm cutlery, I'm a human" dean said looking at the green liquid in the bottle. "well it kills 99.9 percent of germs, so I guess your cutlery now" Becky laughed and Dean joined in. Once they where done washing their hands dean leaned on the table waiting for her instructions. "so... We are making... Spaghetti and meat balls" Becky said holding up a bag of spaghetti "I'll make the spaghetti and sauce for the spaghetti, while you make the meat balls. Then later we will make dessert" she smiled. "Ok, how do I make this... Meat balls?" dean asked with a small laugh. "here, put the oven on and put the pan on with some oil and let it heat up. Then take this tomatoes and chop them small, then you take the meat and some pieces of tomato and roll it into a small ball and put it on the frying pan" she said and made a meat ball showing him how. "ok, seems simple enough" he laughed. He began to make one and did it right. "perfect" Rebecca laughed so did dean.

Becky began making the spaghetti and sauce. When she had an idea. She took a small bowl and put some spaghetti in it and made sure it was cooled down, then walked behind dean and threw it over his head. "Ahh!" dean screamed from shoke making Becky laugh. "two can play at that game, Rebecca" Dean said taking a meat ball and pushing it in her face, making both laugh harder.

After a little food fight they had finished making the food and put it in the fridge for that evening. "now it's time for dessert" Becky smiled. "what we making?" Dean questioned. "well let's see... Maybe... Vanilla pudding" she said. "vanilla pudding... What's that?" Dean asked. "Well it's pudding... I guess. You see this powder here, it's vanilla pudding mix. You mix eggs and milk together, then put the vanilla powder in and mix it with the eggs and milk, then leave it in the fridge for a while then take it out and eat it" Becky said showing him the instructions on the box of vanilla powder. "ok... A little confusing but I can try" Dean laughed.

They finished making the pudding and before they knew it Becky's mom got home. Becky and Dean quickly rushed out the back door of the house. "meet me at the stables tonight at 9, I'll bring some of the dinner and dessert" Becky said as she closed the back door and went back to the kitchen. "hi Rebecca, did you manage with the dinner?" Monica asked. "yes, w-I... managed just fine" Becky smiled at her mom.

Alittle later Andrew had arrived home and the three of them ate at the dinner table. Luckily no one noticed that Becky had taken a small portion of food. "so how was work today?" Monica asked her husband. "fine" he said with no expression. "ok... And what did you do today Becky?" she asked her daughter. "I... Ahh... I took Arrow for a ride. Then I spent the rest of the day cooking" she said not telling the whole truth.

" I'm going to bed "Andrew got up and walked away. "I think I'll also go to bed, can you take care of the dishes? " Monica asked getting up from her seat. "sure" Becky said. She waited about half an hour, before walking out the back door with some food, dessert and cool drink. She walked to the stables where she found dean.

"hi "dean said with a smile. " hey, here's the food, my parents are asleep "she said handing him the food." thanks "he smiled again and took the food. they sat down in the grass outside,eating the food. "I wish I was more like you" they said in unison, which made them laugh. "why do you want to be more like me?" dean asked once they stopped laughing. "well, your just... Free... You don't have to follow anyones rules, you don't care what others think... Why do you want to be more like me?" Becky asked. "like, everyone likes you, everyone wants to be your friend, you have your life figured out, whereas, everyone thinks I'm trouble and doesn't want to be around me,... And-...and I dont even know if I have a future" dean sighed "you know what. Let's help each other, I'll teach you how to be more reckless and you'll teach me how to be more... Well less trouble" dean said again. "you know, that's not a bad idea... But we have to go somewhere different, because if anyone sees us with each other, they'll be questioning us" Becky said.

"where do you have in mind?"dean asked looking at her curiously. "maybe... Paris" Becky looked at him, her eyes glowing forgetting about her sister, Yolanda, who stayed there . "well, we leave in the morning" dean said with a smile.
Becky smiled also as she was filled with excitement "let's leave early, before your parents wake up and we sneak out, let's meet 5am here " dean said again. Becky smiled brighter and they stood up. She gave him a hug and said that good night. He hugged back and said good night as the two went separate ways.

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