Chapter 7

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Rebecca yawned as she sat up. She walked to the window, and opened the curtains to see the beautiful Eiffle tower. A smiled sneaked it's way to her face. She walked out the room into the living room and sat on the couch,when she heard "Rebecca!!". "what dean!! "she yelled back. "help!" he yelled but a little softer. She groaned an slouched off the couch and opened his bedroom door to see huge chaos.....

"what the hell Dean!"Becky's eyes widened. Dean was running around the room with a pot and pillow chasing a damn pigeon, in the act of doing that, the room room was destroyed. The bed sheets layed on the ground, pillows where scattered on the floor, the bed side table had been knocked down, the pencil holder had fallen to the ground leaving pencils and pens everywhere.

"stupid pigeon flew into my window when I opened it! "dean said jumping from the table to the bed, in act to catch the bird." then why is the window closed? "she asked putting her hand on her hip." because I closed it because I want to catch the thing "he said throwing the pillow athwart the room. "let me help" Rebecca said walking to the bed then climbed on it, and took the pot from Dean. "now stand still" she said once more.

The bird landed on the ground, so Becky slowly got off the bed and walked slowly to the pigeon and carefully placed the pot over it. She then lifted the pot slightly and carefully caught the bird. "why did you want to catch this pigeon?" she asked holding the bird up. "you'll see" dean said running out of the room into the living room. "you just gonna leave me here with the bird? What if it poops on me? "she asked extending her arms trying to keep the bird far away from her." just wait "dean yelled from the living room, he soon came back to the room with a 7 meter long ribbon. He walked to Rebecca and carefully tied to ribbon to the pigeons leg. "what the hell dean?" Becky said looking at him skeptically. "follow me" he said once he was done tying the ribbon on the leg on the pigeon.

He led her to the hotel room's balcony. "let the bird go" he said with a excited smile on his face. She looked at him with confusion and slowly moved her head to look at the bird, she carefully let the bird fly away but the bird couldn't fly far away, because dean was holding the other side of the ribbon. "I made a kite!" he laughed and becky couldn't help but laugh too. The Pigeon was just flying around in circles at this point. "here you try" he said holding the ribbon out to her. "no I'm ok" she said waving her hands in front of her face. "lesson two in the bird" he said giving her the ribbon and she just gave him a glare. Rebecca began to laugh because of the pigeon. "ok we should let the thing go" Becky said laughing. "fine" dean said. Becky pulled the ribbon bringing the bird back to them. She held it while dean untied the ribbon. "you let it go" Rebecca said holding the bird to him. "no you let it go" he pushed her extended arm back to her gently. "we'll both let it go" Becky smiled and Dean smiled back. He put his hands under hers "one" Becky began. "two" dean looked at her. "three" both said at the same time and let the bird go with a smile.

(A/N: ok, I know that was a bit weird, from flying a damn bird like a kite, to a romantic scene 😌)

"so what are we doing today?"Dean asked with a smile as they walked back inside. "anything" Rebecca said as she walked to the kitchen, "I'm making some cereal, you want?". "sure, but with milk" dean said making Becky laugh, "maybe we should walk around and if we see a shop we'll go in it" dean said walking to the kitchen and sat at the small kitchen table. "sounds good" she replied pouring milk into the bowls of cereal. She gave one bowl to dean and they began to eat.

Once they had finished eat Rebecca had showered and put on a pair of black leggings, with a fluffy warm grey hoodie. She put on a pair of grey ankle high boots , put her brown hair in a ponytail,and finished the look with some mascara. Dean had showered and put on a pair of shoes black jeans and a white hoodie , with a pair of black sneakers.

Once they were done they walked out. Then Rebecca's phone started ringing, she looked at it "it's my mom" she said with a worried voice. She then answered it "Heyyy mom" she said trying to sound normal. "where have you been!?" Monica shouted over the phone, making Rebecca flinch. "d-didn't Alexa tell-" Becky began to say but got interrupted. "yes Alexa told me you went to damn Australia, you didn't even tell me. You're dad is furious!" Monica shouted once again. "I-i left a n-note" Becky said looking at Dean trying to think of the best lie. "yes, I red it!" Becky's mom yelled. "i-I'm sorry mom, I-i got the message l-last minute" Rebecca stuttered out of stress. "whatever Becca, and stop stuttering you sound like a damn broken record" Monica said before

After a walk around, the sun was  sank and gave the sky a beautiful black, blue and purple affect. The two layed on an open field looking at the few stars that began to appear. "today was fun" Becky smiled, Dean looked at her and he felt this flutter in his chest, was he falling for her? Yes he definitely was. "yea, but that macaroons tasted a bit off, and your mom's phone call was a bit on fun too" dean said. "yea, but at least we made the most of it" Becky smiled "Hey look theirs the Ursa major " dean said pointing to his right. "you know constellations?" Becky asked turning her head to look at him as he stayed looking at the sky, Becky also felt a flutter in her chest, she told herself she was not going to fall for the guy, but she did and she fell bad. "kinda, I know, the two ursas , Orion, and Lyra, do you know any constellations? " he turned too look at her. "only Ursa major and Orion" Becky said looking back at the sky. "look there... Those stars there, connect then with each other, that's Lyra" he said pointing to the sky at the stars. "I see it now" Becky said with a small laugh. "hey, Rebecca?" dean called looking at her, getting her attention. She turned to look at him and they made eye contact, she was still smiling, "yes" she said as her brown eyes sparkled. "promise you won't give up on me" he said looking deeply into her eyes. "I promise dean, and promise you won't give up on me" she said with watery eyes. "I promise Rebecca" he replied, holding up his hand, she smiled and held her hand up too, and connected it with his. They smiled, holding hands together.

"we should get going" he said again. The two left and went to the hotel room and fell asleep in their beds.

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